Galeri Batik, Jakarta, Indonesia

Batik, which contains an artistic element, a handicraft worked by women since the beginning of time using simple tools, such as the canting tulis or waxing pen, and natural dyes deriving from plant life. In the form of a fast-growing industrial activity, batik has subsequently, and in a massive way, produced through use of canting cap or wax stamp. The influence of the developed world on batik appears in its coloring, while the high artistic of the orient is evident in the skilled handiwork that emphasizes the finest of the artwork.

Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth, or cloth made using this technique. Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting, or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap. The applied wax resists dyes and therefore allows the artisan to colour selectively by soaking the cloth in one colour, removing the wax with boiling water, and repeating if multiple colours are desired.

A tradition of making batik is found in various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Nigeria; the batik of Indonesia, however, may be the best-known. Indonesian batik made in the island of Java has a long history of acculturation, with diverse patterns influenced by a variety of cultures, and is the most developed in terms of pattern, technique, and the quality of workmanship. In October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Batik is designated as a UNESCO’s Unitary Cultural Heritage of Human Heritage. the Indonesian government officially dedicated October 2 was chosen as National Batik Day to commemorate this historic.

National Batik Day will be celebrate in less than two weeks. Yayasan Batik Indonesia (YBI) held an batik exhibition for a whole month in this place. Entirely competing in exhibiting a collection of modern batik, without leaving the characteristic of batik itself. Starting from batik fashion show, batik workshop, a variety of elegant clothing made of batik will also Display

In addition to offering batik cloth, batik clothes, and other batik products, this exhibition also presents batik fashion show show, batik demo and seminar.

Firstly, a cloth is washed, soaked and beaten with a large mallet. Patterns are drawn with pencil and later redrawn using hot wax, usually made from a mixture of paraffin or beeswax, sometimes mixed with plant resins, which functions as a dye-resist. The wax can be applied with a variety of tools. A pen-like instrument called a canting is the most common. A tjanting is made from a small copper reservoir with a spout on a wooden handle. The reservoir holds the resist which flows through the spout, creating dots and lines as it moves. For larger patterns, a stiff brush may be used. Alternatively, a copper block stamp called a cap is used to cover large areas more efficiently.

After the cloth is dry, the resist is removed by boiling or scraping the cloth. The areas treated with resist keep their original colour; when the resist is removed the contrast between the dyed and undyed areas forms the pattern. This process is repeated as many times as the number of colours desired.

The most traditional type of batik, called batik tulis (written batik), is drawn using only the canting. The cloth needs to be drawn on both sides, and dipped in a dye bath three to four times. The whole process may take up to a year; it yields considerably finer patterns than stamped batik.

Burung hong sering disebut sebagai phoenix, walaupun sebenarnya berbeda dari phoenix yang berasal dari Mesir. Pada kain-kain batik di Indonesia ia digambar Kadang-kadang distilasi sehingga cuma berbentuk garis-garis sederhana. Burung hong bisa merah, bisa juga berwarna-warni. Konon warna-warna pada bulu burung itu melambangkan lima sifat baik yang patut diutamakan.

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Sering kita Jumpai batik dengan motif Naga dalam Peradaban cina naga ini mempunyai nilai dan makna tersendiri Naga Cina disebut Long dalam bahasa Mandarin, dan Liong dalam dialek Hokian. Ia mulai dikenal sejak kira-kira 3.000 tahun yang lalu. Penampilannya berbeda dengan Naga Jawa yang seperti ular bermahkota.

Many Indonesian batik patterns are symbolic. Infants are carried in batik slings decorated with symbols designed to bring the child luck, and certain batik designs are reserved for brides and bridegrooms, as well as their families. Some designs are reserved for royalties, and even banned to be worn by commoners. Consequently, a person’s rank could be determined by the pattern of the batik he or she wore. Further study to the geometry of symbolism in Indonesian batik showed the applicability of fractal geometry in traditional designs.

Batik garments play a central role in certain Javanese rituals, such as the ceremonial casting of royal batik into a volcano. In the Javanese naloni mitoni ceremony, the mother-to-be is wrapped in seven layers of batik, wishing her good things. Batik is also prominent in the tedak siten ceremony when a child touches the earth for the first time.

In October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. As part of the acknowledgment, UNESCO insisted that Indonesia preserve its heritage. The day, October 2, 2009 has been stated by Indonesian government as National Batik Day, as also at the time the map of Indonesian batik diversity by Hokky Situngkir was opened for public for the first time by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology.

The popularity of batik in Indonesia has varied. Historically, it was essential for ceremonial costumes and it was worn as part of a kebaya dress, commonly worn every day. The use of batik was already recorded in the 12th century, and the textile has become a strong source of identity for Indonesians crossing religious, racial and cultural boundaries. It is also believed the motif made the batik famous.

Inland batik or batik kraton (Javanese court batik) is the oldest form of batik tradition known in Java. Inland batik has earthy colour such as black, indigo, brown, and sogan (brown-yellow colour made from the tree Peltophorum pterocarpum), sometimes against a white background, with symbolic patterns that are mostly free from outside influence. Certain patterns are reserved for royalty, while other are worn on specific occasions. At a Javanese wedding for example, the bride wears specific patterns at each stage of the ceremony. Noted inland batiks are produced in Solo and Jogjakarta, cities traditionally regarded as the centre of Javanese culture. Batik Solo typically has sogan background and is preserved by the Susuhunan and Mangkunegaran Court. Batik Jogja typically has white background and is preserved by the Yogyakarta Sultanate and Pakualaman Court.

Batik Indonesia:
Batik Foundation Center adalah sebuah Lembaga Riset dan Pengembangan teknik membuat batik. UNESCO telah Menetapkan Batik sebagai Warisan Budaya Asli Indonesia yang wajib kita junjung tinggi dan kita lestarikan Untuk itu Batik Foundation Center mengadakan paket pelatihan Teknik Membatik untuk kalangan individu, kelompok, pengusaha, Pemerintah dan Umum yang ingin mengetahui atau menguasai Teknik membatik Kami melayani Paket pelatihan membatik untuk daerah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Banjarmasin, Medan dsb.

The challenge of Yayasan Batik Indonesia (YBI) now is how to preserve and increase the value added to Indonesian batik, which constitutes a national asset with potential.

1. To take active participation in encouraging national unity to preserve, protect, develop, and socialize Indonesian Batik as a national cultural heritage resulting form art work of high value that is varied and spread throughout the homeland, until it becomes a visible national assets.
2. To promote batik and the batik craft as an economic activity with high added value so that they will be capable of supporting equity in and the elevation of earning, particularly for the crafters and entrepreneurs of small and traditional batik business.

Famous Indonesian batik designers include Danar Hadi, Parang Kencana, , Jarit, Batik Tembayat, Batik Paring, Javanese Batik Gallery, Batik Pesisir, Sweet Batik, Afif Batik, At Equator, Batik Paring, and Tayada.

Tags: GIndonesia