


Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterised by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate…

6 years ago

High modernism

High modernism (also known as "high modernity") is a form of modernity, characterized by an unfaltering confidence in science and…

6 years ago


Fauvism is the style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a group of early twentieth-century modern artists whose…

6 years ago


Expressionism was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.…

6 years ago


Ecomodernism is an environmental philosophy which argues that humans can protect nature by using technology to "decouple" anthropogenic impacts from…

6 years ago


Dada or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century, with early centers in…

6 years ago


Futurism (Italian: Futurismo) was an artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It emphasized…

6 years ago

Crystal Cubism

Crystal Cubism (French: Cubisme cristal or Cubisme de cristal) is a distilled form of Cubism consistent with a shift, between…

6 years ago


Proto-Cubism is an intermediary transition phase in the history of art chronologically extending from 1906 to 1910. Evidence suggests that…

6 years ago


Cubism is an early-20th-century art movement which brought European painting and sculpture historically forward toward 20th century Modern art. Cubism…

6 years ago

Buddhist modernism

Buddhist modernism (also referred to as Modern Buddhism, modernist Buddhism and Neo-Buddhism) are new movements based on modern era reinterpretations…

6 years ago


The avant-garde are people or works that are experimental, radical, or unorthodox with respect to art, culture, or society. It…

6 years ago

American modernism

American modernism, much like the modernism movement in general, is a trend of philosophical thought arising from the widespread changes…

6 years ago


Transmodernism is a philosophical and cultural movement which was founded by Argentinian-Mexican philosopher Enrique Dussel. A critic of postmodernism, he…

6 years ago


Neomodernism is a term that has at times been used to describe a philosophical position based on modernism but addressing…

6 years ago