
Psychedelic artPsychedelic art

Psychedelic art

Psychedelic art is any art or visual displays inspired by psychedelic experiences and hallucinations known to follow the ingestion of…

1 day ago


Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial…

1 day ago

Orientalism in the arts

The Orientalism is a born literary and artistic movement in Western Europe in the 18th century. For its size and…

2 days ago


Biomorphism models artistic design elements on naturally occurring patterns or shapes reminiscent of nature and living organisms. Taken to its…

1 week ago

Section d’Or

The Section d'Or ('Golden Section'), also known as Groupe de Puteaux (or Puteaux Group), was a collective of painters, sculptors,…

1 week ago


Tonalism was an artistic style that emerged in the 1880s when American artists began to paint landscape forms with an…

1 week ago


Tachisme (alternative spelling: Tachism, derived from the French word tache, stain) is a French style of abstract painting popular in…

1 week ago

Review of Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 2023, Stockholm, Sweden

Scandinavia's largest design fair, Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair is held in Stockholmsmässan Stockholm on 7 to 11 February 2023…

1 year ago

Guide Tour of the route of craftsmanship in Florence, Italy

The discover of craftsmanship in Florence is a very rich experience, which will guide you through the intricate streets of…

2 years ago