Architectural elements

Bay in architectureBay in architecture

Bay in architecture

In architecture, a bay is the space between architectural elements, or a recess or compartment. bay comes from "Old French…

6 years ago

Bathtub Madonna

A bathtub Madonna (also known as a lawn shrine, Mary on the half shell, bathtub Mary, bathtub Virgin, and bathtub…

6 years ago


In architecture, a baseboard (also called skirting board, skirting, mopboard, floor molding, or base molding) is a usually wooden board…

6 years ago


A barnstar (or barn star, primitive star, or Pennsylvania star) is a painted object or image, often in the shape…

6 years ago


A baluster—also called spindle or stair stick—is a moulded shaft, square or of lathe-turned form, cut from a rectangular or…

6 years ago


A baldachin, or baldaquin (from Italian: baldacchino), is a canopy of state typically placed over an altar or throne. It…

6 years ago


A balcony is a platform projecting from the wall of a building, supported by columns or console brackets, and enclosed…

6 years ago


A balconet or balconette is an architectural term to describe a false balcony, or railing at the outer plane of…

6 years ago


An awning or overhang is a secondary covering attached to the exterior wall of a building. It is typically composed…

6 years ago

Attic style

In classical architecture, the term attic refers to a story or low wall above the cornice of a classical façade.…

6 years ago

Attic ladder

An attic ladder (US) or loft ladder (UK) is a retractable ladder that is installed into the floor of an…

6 years ago

Atrium in architecture

In architecture, an atrium (plural: atria or atriums) is a large open air or skylight covered space surrounded by a…

6 years ago

Atlas in architecture

In classical European architecture, an atlas (also known as an atlant, or atlante or atlantid; plural atlantes) is a support…

6 years ago


An astragal is a moulding profile composed of a half-round surface surrounded by two flat planes (fillets). An astragal is…

6 years ago


Ashlar is finely dressed (cut, worked) masonry, either an individual stone that has been worked until squared or the masonry…

6 years ago