
Installation artInstallation art

Installation art

Installation art is an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that often are site-specific and designed to transform the perception of…

6 years ago

Inscape arts

Inscape, in visual art, is a term especially associated with certain works of Chilean artist Roberto Matta, but it is…

6 years ago

Information art

Information art (also data art or informatism) is a type of electronic art that combines computer science with a wealth…

6 years ago

Infiltration Art

Infiltration Art is a branch of Intervention Art in which artists collaborate with institutions, communities, politicians, religions, museums and pop-culture…

6 years ago

Immersion in virtual reality

Immersion into virtual reality is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The perception is created by…

6 years ago


An idyll or idyl, is a short poem, descriptive of rustic life, written in the style of Theocritus' short pastoral…

6 years ago

Hybrid arts

Hybrid arts is a contemporary art movement in which artists work with frontier areas of science and emerging technologies. Artists…

6 years ago

Hierarchy of genres

A hierarchy of genres is any formalization which ranks different genres in an art form in terms of their prestige…

6 years ago

Hardstone carving

Hardstone carving is a general term in art history and archaeology for the artistic carving of predominantly semi-precious stones (but…

6 years ago


Haerlempjes refer to a specific genre of landscape painting that includes a view of Haarlem (formerly spelled Haerlem). It is…

6 years ago