
Nouvelle tendanceNouvelle tendance

Nouvelle tendance

Nouvelle Tendance is a nonaligned modernist art movement, emerged in the early 1960s in the former Yugoslavia, a nonaligned country.…

6 years ago

Nocturne painting

The nocturne is a pictorial genre consisting of the representation of scenes or landscapes set at night. Nocturne painting is…

6 years ago

New media art

New media art is a form of art, which refers to the works created or that incorporates the use of…

6 years ago

New Aesthetic

The New Aesthetic is a term refer to the increasing appearance of the visual language of digital technology and the…

6 years ago


Neo-minimalism or Neo-Geometrism is an amorphous art movement of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Neo-minimalism is an artistic…

6 years ago

Narrative art

Narrative art is art that tells a story, either as a moment in an ongoing story or as a sequence…

6 years ago

Nagash painting

Majlis painting, also called nagash painting, is the decoration of the majlis or front parlor of traditional Arabic homes in…

6 years ago

Multicultural art

Multicultural art concentrates on pieces of creativity that have an essence of a certain cultural theme. Kristen Ali Eglinton, in…

6 years ago

Bristol board

Bristol board (also referred to as Bristol paper or Super white paper) is an uncoated, machine-finished paperboard. It is named…

6 years ago

Binder material

A binder or binding agent is any material or substance that holds or draws other materials together to form a…

6 years ago