
Northern Europe still life in seventeenth centuryNorthern Europe still life in seventeenth century

Northern Europe still life in seventeenth century

Prominent Academicians of the early 17th century, such as Andrea Sacchi, felt that genre and still-life painting did not carry…

6 years ago

Still life in sixteenth century

Though most still lifes after 1600 were relatively small paintings, a crucial stage in the development of the genre was…

6 years ago

Still life in ancient and middle Ages

A still life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural…

6 years ago

Still life

A still life is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural…

6 years ago

Spin art

Spin art is an art form that uses paint, a canvas such as glossy cardboard and a spinning platform. It…

6 years ago

Southern art

Art from Southern United States, or southern art, includes southern expressionism, folk art, and modernism. Residents of the American South…

6 years ago

Skull art

Indigenous Mexican art celebrates the skeleton and uses it as a regular motif. The use of skulls and skeletons in…

6 years ago


Singerie is the name given to a visual arts genre depicting monkeys imitating human behavior, often fashionably attired, intended as…

6 years ago

Serial imagery

Serial art is a genre of modern art that seeks to create an aesthetic effect through series, repetitions, and variations…

6 years ago


A self-portrait is a representation of an artist that is drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by that artist. Although self-portraits…

6 years ago