


Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial…

1 day ago


Cubo-Futurism was the main school of painting and sculpture practiced by the Russian Futurists. Cubo-Futurism was especially popular in the…

1 day ago

Aesthetic Movement

Aesthetic Movement Aestheticism (also the Aesthetic Movement) is an intellectual and art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more…

1 day ago

Decadent movement

The Decadent movement was a late-19th-century artistic and literary movement, centered in Western Europe, that followed an aesthetic ideology of…

1 day ago

National Romanticism in Norway

Norwegian romantic nationalism (Norwegian: Nasjonalromantikken) was a movement in Norway between 1840 and 1867 in art, literature, and popular culture…

1 day ago


In art history, literature and cultural studies, Orientalism is the imitation or depiction of aspects in the Eastern world. These…

1 day ago

Magical realist Literature

The magic realism is a literary school emerged in the early twentieth century. It is also known as fantastic realism…

2 days ago

Fantasy literature

Fantasy literature is literature set in an imaginary universe, often but not always without any locations, events, or people from…

2 days ago

Naturalism in literature

The Naturalism is a literary movement that was born in France in the second half of ' nineteenth century as…

2 days ago

Reader-response criticism

Reader-response criticism or aesthetics of reception, is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or "audience") and…

2 days ago