Ancient Greek architecture

Modern Greek architectureModern Greek architecture

Modern Greek architecture

After the Fall of Constantinople and the following trends of Greek migration to the diaspora, Greek architecture was concentrated mainly…

1 month ago


An acropolis is a settlement, especially a citadel, built upon an area of elevated ground—frequently a hill with precipitous sides,…

1 month ago

Theatre of ancient Greece

The ancient Greek drama was a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece from c. 700 BC. The city-state of…

1 month ago

Influences of Ancient Greek temple

Greek temples were structures built to house deity statues within Greek sanctuaries in ancient Greek religion. The temple interiors did…

1 month ago

Ancient Greek architecture

The architecture of ancient Greece is the architecture produced by the Greek-speaking people (Hellenic people) whose culture flourished on the…

1 month ago

Phallic architecture

Phallic architecture consciously or unconsciously creates a symbolic representation of the phallus. Buildings intentionally or unintentionally resembling the human penis…

1 month ago

Atlas in architecture

In classical European architecture, an atlas (also known as an atlant, or atlante or atlantid; plural atlantes) is a support…

1 month ago


An antefix (from Latin antefigere, to fasten before) is a vertical block which terminates the covering tiles of a tiled…

1 month ago

Antae temple

An Antae Temple, also a Distyle in antis Temple, is a special name given to a type of ancient Greek…

1 month ago

Anta capital

An Anta capital is the crowning portion of an anta, the front edge of a supporting wall in Greek temple…

1 month ago

Anta in architecture

An anta (pl. antæ) (Latin, possibly from ante, 'before' or 'in front of'), or sometimes parastade is an architectural term…

1 month ago


Anathyrosis is the technical word for the ancient method of dressing the joints of stone blocks in dry stone construction,…

1 month ago