The French Halls, Capodimonte National Museum

Originally posted 2020-05-13 09:24:11.

Room 54 recalls the decade of French domination in Naples: paintings, furnishings with opaque and glossy gilding, busts and statues in both bronze and porcelain, as well as depicting the French sovereigns are of clear inspiration from beyond the Alps; the paintings include the Portrait of Gioacchino Murat and Napoleon I, emperor, both by François Gérard, and the Bust of Carolina Bonaparte, in Biscuit, of the Poulard Prad manufacture. Among the furnishing elements: vases from the Sèvres and Bailly fils manufacture, a small table from 1811 created by Jacob Desmalter originally intended for the castle of Fontainebleauand chairs with hand-painted velvet backs with city views, directly from France.

The small room 55 acts as a separation between the rooms of the French period and those of the Bourbon restoration: inside there is a plaster statue of Antonio Canova, Portrait of Letizia Remolino, the busts of Luciano and Letizia, sons of Murat, manufactured Poulard Prad, and four French-made gilt bronze candelabra, purchased in 1837 and originally placed in the portrait gallery.

Room 56 is located in the eastern corner of the building and is called Salone Camuccini: this was built following the arrival of the Savoy, at the behest of Annibale Sacco, and decorated according to the neoclassical taste of the late nineteenth century, even if it already had immediately underwent some changes following the purchase of some large canvases desired by Murat and which arrived in the palace only with the return of Ferdinand I, who had imposed the closure of two balconies; in the vault tempera friezes have been made, while on the walls there are large paintings made by Pietro Benvenuti, Paolo Falciano, Francesco Hayez and Vincenzo Camuccini, from which the room takes its name: the latter areDeath of Julius Caesar and Killing of Virginia. It also houses a collection of early nineteenth century statues, like the night of Bertel Thorvaldsen, and in the middle, a marble table, ordered by Caroline Bonaparte and built in the central part and feet with mosaics and other materials found during excavations Archaeological sites of Herculaneum: among the furnishing elements large consoles of Neapolitan manufacture and a marble fireplace dating back to Ferdinand II and foreseen in all the representative rooms of the palace.

Rooms 57 and 58 were used by members of the royal family in their moments of leisure: inside they are placed game tables and musical automatons dating back to the 19th century and made of precious Empire-style woods with a typical French taste. Room 57 shows the Giardiniera, a wooden furniture with a triple function of planter, aviary and fish tank, as well as a canvas by Johan Christian Dahl, La Real Casina di Quisisana, and one by Salvatore Fergola, Inauguration of the Naples-Portici railway. Room 58 keeps a fresco from the Casacalenda palace on the ceiling, several paintings, including one by Giacinto Gigante, the chapel of the Treasure of San Gennaro, and one by Anton Sminck van Pitloo, Temples of Paestum, and contains pieces of furniture decorated with porcelain and bronze, sometimes painted with scenes from the royal sites, the children of Francis I and the vestments of the kingdom and enriched with the addition of sound gears.

In room 59 there are numerous works commissioned by Ferdinando I after the restoration of the Bourbon crown following the French decade, when the work of embellishment of the palace began, still continuing to make use of the collaboration of French artists: among the canvases that of Maria Amalia of Orléans with the son duke of Chartres by François Gérard, Visit of the French sovereigns to Vesuvius by Joseph-Boniface Franque in 1814 and Marriage of the princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon with the duke of Berry of Louis Nicolas Lemasle; among the furnishings, several vases of Parisian manufacture.

Room 60 concludes that area of the Museum of Capodimonte dedicated to the Royal Apartment and acts as a link between the first and second floors: inside are the communications of the sculptor Matteo Bottiglieri, made at the beginning of the 18th century, and a ciborium by Cosimo Fanzago of the first half of the seventeenth century: all the works were inherited from the church of the Holy Trinity of the Nuns, while other artifacts in marble and precious stones still come from convents and city churches.

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Capodimonte National Museum
The National Museum of Capodimonte is a museum in Naples, Italy, located inside the eponymous palace in the Capodimonte area, which houses several ancient art galleries, one of contemporary art and an apartment historical.

It was officially opened as a museum in 1957, although the palace rooms have housed works of art since 1758. It predominantly preserves paintings, distributed mainly in the two main collections, the Farnese, which include some of the greatest names in Italian and international painting. such as Rafael, Tiziano, Parmigianino, Brueghel the Elder, El Greco, Ludovico Carracci or Guido Reni; and the Neapolitan Gallery, which is made up of works from churches in and around the city, transported to Capodimonte for security reasons after the suppression of religious orders, and features works by artists such as Simone Martini, Colantonio, Caravaggio, Ribera, Luca Giordano or Francesco Solimena. The contemporary art collection is also important, in which Vesuvius by Andy Warhol stands out.

The Capodimonte Museum boasts 47,000 works of art that form one of the largest and most complex collections of medieval, early modern, modern and contemporary art in the world. In 126 galleries spread across 151,000 square feet, works of the great artists are exhibited such as: Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Raphael, Titian, Botticelli, Simone Martini, Giovanni Bellini, Colantonio, Artemisia Gentileschi, Jusepe de Ribera, Battistello, Luca Giordano, Mattia Preti, Francesco Solimena, the Carracci, Guido Reni, Lanfranco, Bruegel the Elder, and Van Dyck to name a few.

It all began with the Farnese Collection that Charles I of Bourbon, son of the King of Spain, inherited from his mother Elisabetta and took with him to Naples in 1735, with the desire to display it in this hilltop Palace. Construction of the Palace began in 1738, to function as a picture gallery and hunting lodge. Capodimonte is the only Italian museum that in addition to representing almost all the schools of early modern Italian art, can also boast works by contemporary artists such as Burri, Paolini, Bourgeois, Warhol, and Kiefer.

The Royal Park of Capodimonte, with its 300 acres and more than 400 plant species, is an unspoiled green space that overlooks the city and Gulf of Naples. Exotic species were planted here, including the first mandarin trees in Italy. It is the largest urban park in Italy, with roughly 1,500,000 visitors a year. Within the Royal Park you can admire the last baroque garden of sino-english design replete with rare oriental fragrances.

Majestically nestled within its Royal Park overlooking the Bay of Naples – Capodimonte offers a truly singular combination of artistic and natural beauty that is utterly unique throughout the world.
