Categories: Organization

Hidro Arte – SACMEX, Ciudad de México, Mexico

Hidro Arte aims to make use of walls SACMEX facilities throughout the Federal District as canvases for conducting street art murals , summoning artists to a contest with the theme of ” Water culture ” in which the importance of the @care and conservation of water is promoted , thus contributing to the recovery and improvement of public spaces.

Hidro Arte project promotes the importance of caring for water, the rescue of public spaces and promotes talented young artists in Mexico City.

Water care is a fundamental issue for our city, that’s why every time we need to do more in our homes, schools and workplaces to have a more harmonious and sustainable way of relating to water.

Hidro Arte invites artists of our city to express through his talent, a message through art invite reflection on water care.

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Likewise, this project is an excellent choice rescue of public spaces, and that the artistic expressions of this program are made through murals headquarters of the Federal District, which have been affected by unauthorized pints.

With a joint work is linked successfully, government, private initiative and citizenship, even creating spaces for artistic expression with social commitment in various sites of high vehicular and pedestrian traffic in our city.

These murals were performed in 5 locations of high visual impact, located in avenues high vehicular and pedestrian traffic by improving urban image of the city with the support and sponsorship from the private sector, and likewise joining this contest participation citizenship through public voting for their favorite murals.

Through this program have recovered 950 m² public space, having a great acceptance by neighbors and passers which enjoy artwork instead of affected areas.

Tags: Mexico