Yamashina, Daigo area, Kyoto sightseeing route, Japan

Enjoy the scenery of the four seasons around the Yamashina area and Yamashina Canal, and visit the place related to “Chushingura” Oishi built-in assistant. Yamashina, located on the east side of Kyoto City, beyond Kujoyama, is a small basin surrounded by mountains on three sides, and has an elongated shape…

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Smart highway

Smart highway and smart road are terms for a number of different proposals to incorporate technologies into roads for generating solar energy, for improving the operation of autonomous cars, for lighting, and for monitoring the condition of the road. Vehicle infrastructure integration Grouping vehicles into platoons is a method of…

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Ene Ene

Ene Ene from Estilo Libre, Buenos Aires, Argentina We are a team of artists, graffiti lovers and urban culture. Professionals of Visual Arts, Design, Communication, and social enterprises, we consider that the artistic expression in the public space contributes to the social transformation. We believe that the conformation and consolidation…

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Buddhaisawan Chapel, Bangkok, Thailand

Suttha Sawan, originally a royal consecration, was created to perform various ceremonies such as the Lunar New Year ceremony. Royal ceremony, the Son of Greece etc. After that, in the year 1787, he went to Chiang Mai And brought Phra Sihing down His Highness therefore dedicated this throne to enshrine…

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Spanish historical clothing, Madrid Costume Museum

Few but important pieces of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are preserved, of which a female jubón of the late sixteenth century stands out. On the other hand, the 18th century collection has excellent examples of the male suit. The nineteenth century has a more limited representation, but that does…

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Venice Art Biennale 2017, Exhibition in Giardini, Italy

The 57th international art exhibition, titled Viva Arte Viva, curated by Christine Macel and organised by Paolo Baratta, took place from May 13 to November 26 2017. The Biennale present itself as a place dedicated to an open dialogue between artists, and between artists and the public. This year ‘s…

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Adams National Historical Park, Quincy, United States

Adams National Historical Park, formerly Adams National Historic Site, in Quincy, Massachusetts, preserves the home of Presidents of the United States John Adams and John Quincy Adams, of U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, Charles Francis Adams, and of the writers and historians Henry Adams and Brooks Adams. ADAMS NHP provides…

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Boiler Room, Montemartini power plant

This spacious rectangular room, which measures more than 1000 square meters, is dominated by a huge steam boiler fixed to one of the short walls. The only survivor of the three boilers originally installed, it rises from the floor to the ceiling in a complex net of tubes, bricks and…

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Architectural ironmongery

Architectural Ironmongery or (Architectural Hardware) is a term used for the manufacture and wholesale distributor of items made from iron, steel, brass, aluminium or other metals, including plastics, for use in all types of buildings. The Architectural Ironmongery range includes door handles, closers, locks, cylinder pulls and hinges (“door furniture”),…

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Nazi architecture

Nazi architecture is the architecture promoted by the Third Reich from 1933 until its fall in 1945. It is characterized by three forms: a stripped-down neoclassicism (typified by the designs of Albert Speer); a vernacular style that drew inspiration from traditional rural architecture, especially alpine; and a utilitarian style followed…

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LMS color space

LMS is a color space represented by the response of the three types of cones of the human eye, named for their responsivity (sensitivity) peaks at long, medium, and short wavelengths. It is common to use the LMS color space when performing chromatic adaptation (estimating the appearance of a sample…

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A basilica is a type of building, usually a church, that is typically rectangular with a central nave and aisles, usually with a slightly raised platform and an apse at one or both ends. In Europe and the Americas it is the most common architectural style for churches though this…

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San Marco, Venice, Veneto, Italy

San Marco is one of the six sestieri of Venice, lying in the heart of the city as the main place of Venice. The little spaces together form the social, religious and political centre of Venice. San Marco now is the tourist heart of Venice, home to iconic sights. Many…

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Painted enigma

Painted enigma is a fun riddle. It is a picture of the mystery, let people through the vivid image to find out the answer than the simple text riddle to lively, novel, unique and interesting. Painted enigma as a “mystery pride”, in the reading age today, more people’s favorite. Originally…

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Nuagisme (literally “cloudism”) is a movement of abstract painting initiated by a French critic particularly innovative art, Julien Alvard and which was attended by young French and foreign painters between 1955 and 1973. The major contribution of cloud computing was to rediscover, in 20th century painting, the “transparency and depth”…

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Scratchboard or scraperboard, is a form of direct engraving where the artist scratches off dark ink to reveal a white or colored layer beneath. Scratchboard refers to both a fine-art medium, and an illustrative technique using sharp knives and tools for engraving into a thin layer of white China clay…

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Philippine investment climate

This article describes the Philippine investment climate. Overview of Philippine investment trends In an AT Kearney Survey of Investment Intentions of 1000 leading MNCs, Philippines did not figure in the top 20 locations while Singapore, Malaysia, China and Thailand did. In the years 2000-2004, %of investment compared to GDP has…

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Ante-choir, the term given to the space enclosed in a church between the outer gate or railing of the rood screen and the door of the screen; sometimes there is only one rail, gate or door, but in Westminster Abbey it is equal in depth to one bay of the…

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Terraced house

In architecture and city planning, a terraced or terrace house (UK) or townhouse (US) exhibits a style of medium-density housing that originated in Europe in the 16th century, where a row of identical or mirror-image houses share side walls. They are also known in some areas as row houses (especially…

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A biofuel is a fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter. Biofuels can be derived directly…

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History of early middle ages domes

The early domes of the Middle Ages, particularly in those areas recently under Byzantine control, were an extension of earlier Roman architecture. The domed church architecture of Italy from the sixth to the eighth centuries followed that of the Byzantine provinces and, although this influence diminishes under Charlemagne, it continued…

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Lavinia Fontana

Lavinia Fontana(Bologna, August 24, 1552 – Rome, August 11, 1614) was an Italian painter of late Mannerism. She is regarded as the first woman artist, working within the same sphere as her male counterparts, outside a court or convent. She was the first woman artist to paint female nudes, and…

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