Category Archives: Instrument

Art, Adornment, Design and Technology in the Time of Slavery, Afro Brasil Museum

Originally posted 2020-03-24 19:05:07. The exhibition “Art, Adornment, Design and Technology in the Time of Slavery”, celebrate Black Awareness Day that year, the exhibition brings together more than 70 objects from urban and rural crafts, composing a set that highlights the contributions of blacks to science and technology in Brazil.…

Plants of Central Brazil – Historical rescue and virtual herbarium by Auguste Glaziou, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

Originally posted 2020-03-22 21:27:36. The exhibition “Plantas do Brasil Central – Historical rescue and virtual herbarium by Auguste Glaziou”, is focused on cultural and scientific dissemination, operating at the interface of memory and scientific production. Promoted by the Herbarium and the Department of Botany of the National Museum / UFRJ,…

From Furniture to Automobile: Transiting History, National History Museum of Brazil

Originally posted 2020-03-15 08:50:24. On a tour of the exhibition “From Furniture to Automobile: Transiting History”, on the long circuit of the National Historical Museum, you can learn about the changes and the improvement of the main vehicles used throughout history. There are 29 pieces available in all, including land…

A Story of Spanish Food Invention, Spanish Cultural Action, Franz Mayer Museum

Originally posted 2020-02-23 06:05:42. TAPAS – Spanish Design for Food. Spanish culture has dreamt up ingenious inventions and solutions throughout history. This exhibition, organized and produced by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), shows how design finds solutions to challenges posed over the years by the world of cuisine, through two hundred…