Ecological engineering uses ecology and engineering to predict, design, construct or restore, and manage ecosystems that integrate “human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both”.

Ecological engineering is defined in France as the “conduct of projects that, in its implementation and monitoring, applies the principles of ecological engineering and promotes the resilience of ecosystems”, ecological engineering being defined as the “A combination of scientific knowledge, techniques and practices that take into account ecological mechanisms, applied to the management of resources, the design and implementation of facilities or equipment, and which is appropriate to ensure the protection of the environment. “.

In the Anglo-Saxon countries, it is “the conception, the realization and the implementation of projects associating nature for the benefit of both biodiversity and human society”.

In the Spanish-speaking world, the concept that comes closest to it is that of “environmental engineering”, which is defined as “the design, application and management of processes, products and services to prevent, limit or repair degradation of the environment with a view to sustainable development “.

Origins, key concepts, definitions, and applications
Ecological engineering emerged as a new idea in the early 1960s, but its definition has taken several decades to refine, its implementation is still undergoing adjustment, and its broader recognition as a new paradigm is relatively recent. Ecological engineering was introduced by Howard Odum and others as utilizing natural energy sources as the predominant input to manipulate and control environmental systems. The origins of ecological engineering are in Odum’s work with ecological modeling and ecosystem simulation to capture holistic macro-patterns of energy and material flows affecting the efficient use of resources.

Mitsch and Jorgensen summarized five basic concepts that differentiate ecological engineering from other approaches to addressing problems to benefit society and nature: 1) it is based on the self-designing capacity of ecosystems; 2) it can be the field (or acid) test of ecological theories; 3) it relies on system approaches; 4) it conserves non-renewable energy sources; and 5) it supports ecosystem and biological conservation.

Mitsch and Jorgensen were the first to define ecological engineering as designing societal services such that they benefit society and nature, and later noted the design should be systems based, sustainable, and integrate society with its natural environment.

Bergen et al. defined ecological engineering as: 1) utilizing ecological science and theory; 2) applying to all types of ecosystems; 3) adapting engineering design methods; and 4) acknowledging a guiding value system.

Barrett (1999) offers a more literal definition of the term: “the design, construction, operation and management (that is, engineering) of landscape/aquatic structures and associated plant and animal communities (that is, ecosystems) to benefit humanity and, often, nature.” Barrett continues: “other terms with equivalent or similar meanings include ecotechnology and two terms most often used in the erosion control field: soil bioengineering and biotechnical engineering. However, ecological engineering should not be confused with ‘biotechnology’ when describing genetic engineering at the cellular level, or ‘bioengineering’ meaning construction of artificial body parts.”

The applications in ecological engineering can be classified into 3 spatial scales: 1: mesocosms (~0.1 to 100s of meters); 2: ecosystems (1 to 10s of km); and 3: regional systems (>10s of km). The complexity of the design likely increases with the spatial scale. Applications are increasing in breadth and depth, and likely impacting the field’s definition, as more opportunities to design and use ecosystems as interfaces between society and nature are explored. Implementation of ecological engineering has focused on the creation or restoration of ecosystems, from degraded wetlands to multi-celled tubs and greenhouses that integrate microbial, fish, and plant services to process human wastewater into products such as fertilizers, flowers, and drinking water. Applications of ecological engineering in cities have emerged from collaboration with other fields such as landscape architecture, urban planning, and urban horticulture, to address human health and biodiversity, as targeted by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with holistic projects such as stormwater management. Applications of ecological engineering in rural landscapes have included wetland treatment and community reforestation through traditional ecological knowledge. Permaculture is an example of broader applications that have emerged as distinct disciplines from ecological engineering, where David Holmgren cites the influence of Howard Odum in development of permaculture.

Design guidelines, functional classes, and design principles
Ecological engineering design will combine systems ecology with the process of engineering design. Engineering design typically involves problem formulation (goal), problem analysis (constraints), alternative solutions search, decision among alternatives, and specification of a complete solution. A temporal design framework is provided by Matlock et al., stating the design solutions are considered in ecological time. In selecting between alternatives, the design should incorporate ecological economics in design evaluation and acknowledge a guiding value system which promotes biological conservation, benefiting society and nature.

Ecological engineering utilizes systems ecology with engineering design to obtain a holistic view of the interactions within and between society and nature. Ecosystem simulation with Energy Systems Language (also known as energy circuit language or energese) by Howard Odum is one illustration of this systems ecology approach. This holistic model development and simulation defines the system of interest, identifies the system’s boundary, and diagrams how energy and material moves into, within, and out of, a system in order to identify how to use renewable resources through ecosystem processes and increase sustainability. The system it describes is a collection (i.e., group) of components (i.e., parts), connected by some type of interaction or interrelationship, that collectively responds to some stimulus or demand and fulfills some specific purpose or function. By understanding systems ecology the ecological engineer can more efficiently design with ecosystem components and processes within the design, utilize renewable energy and resources, and increase sustainability.

Mitsch and Jorgensen identified five Functional Classes for ecological engineering designs:

Ecosystem utilized to reduce/solve pollution problem. Example: phytoremediation, wastewater wetland, and bioretention of stormwater to filter excess nutrients and metals pollution
Ecosystem imitated or copied to address resource problem. Example: forest restoration, replacement wetlands, and installing street side rain gardens to extend canopy cover to optimize residential and urban cooling
Ecosystem recovered after disturbance. Example: mine land restoration, lake restoration, and channel aquatic restoration with mature riparian corridors
Ecosystem modified in ecologically sound way. Example: selective timber harvest, biomanipulation, and introduction of predator fish to reduce planktivorous fish, increase zooplankton, consume algae or phytoplankton, and clarify the water.
Ecosystems used for benefit without destroying balance. Example: sustainable agro-ecosystems, multispecies aquaculture, and introducing agroforestry plots into residential property to generate primary production at multiple vertical levels.

Mitsch and Jorgensen identified Design Principles for ecological engineering, yet not all are expected to contribute to any single design:

Ecosystem structure & function are determined by forcing functions of the system;
Energy inputs to the ecosystems and available storage of the ecosystem is limited;
Ecosystems are open and dissipative systems (not thermodynamic balance of energy, matter, entropy, but spontaneous appearance of complex, chaotic structure);
Attention to a limited number of governing/controlling factors is most strategic in preventing pollution or restoring ecosystems;
Ecosystem have some homeostatic capability that results in smoothing out and depressing the effects of strongly variable inputs;
Match recycling pathways to the rates of ecosystems and reduce pollution effects;
Design for pulsing systems wherever possible;
Ecosystems are self-designing systems;
Processes of ecosystems have characteristic time and space scales that should be accounted for in environmental management;
Biodiversity should be championed to maintain an ecosystem’s self design capacity;
Ecotones, transition zones, are as important for ecosystems as membranes for cells;
Coupling between ecosystems should be utilized wherever possible;
The components of an ecosystem are interconnected, interrelated, and form a network; consider direct as well as indirect efforts of ecosystem development;
An ecosystem has a history of development;
Ecosystems and species are most vulnerable at their geographical edges;
Ecosystems are hierarchical systems and are parts of a larger landscape;
Physical and biological processes are interactive, it is important to know both physical and biological interactions and to interpret them properly;
Eco-technology requires a holistic approach that integrates all interacting parts and processes as far as possible;
Information in ecosystems is stored in structures.

A new career
Ecological engineering is a new trades that develops from the end of the 20th century. It implements the techniques of ecological engineering whose principles are thus defined by the CNRS: “Ecological engineering is the use, mostly in situ, sometimes under controlled conditions, of populations, communities or communities. ecosystems with the aim of modifying one or more biotic or physicochemical dynamics of the environment in a sense deemed favorable to society and compatible with the maintenance of ecological balances and the adaptive potential of the environment “. The goal of ecological engineering is therefore to contribute by actions adapted to the resilience of the ecosystem and thereby to promote biodiversity.

If the world of research plays an important role by providing new fundamental knowledge, ecological engineering operators also draw on ancient practices and develop innovations based on the observation of living mechanisms. Thus, Leonardo da Vinci wrote: “The roots of the willows prevent the collapse of the embankments of the canals and willow branches, which are placed on the bank and then cut, become each year dense and so we get a living bank of a single-handed ». These techniques were long neglected in favor of heavy protection systems using civil engineering. These living environments, sometimes more effective, are endowed with a capacity of self-maintenance and resilience, although requiring according to the situations a regular management.

A transversal activity
The actors of ecological engineering work for biodiversity, they are “artisans of biodiversity”. They bring their knowledge, techniques and tools to rebuild living ecosystems. The implementation of ecological engineering projects involves many skills; consultation with economic and social actors in the ecological monitoring of the project through its design and implementation. A classic operation starts with consulting and strategic support activities, followed by steps of diagnostic studies, definition of actions, works, monitoring, management and finally valorization of the approach through communication. These activities involve naturalists, biodiversity advisors, specialized workers and technicians around the pivot of the ecological engineer.

Ecological engineering considers all the dimensions of the ecosystem: flora, fauna, fungal, bacteriological, pedological, biogeochemical, geological processes and also human societies. To act on all these living processes the ecologist engineer uses a variety of techniques. For example, it will use plant engineering, sometimes referred to as bioengineering or biological engineering, and many other techniques that can advantageously replace conventional techniques.

But beyond simple action on biodiversity and the protection of natural heritage, ecological engineering aims to reconcile economy and ecology. Indeed, since its goal is to promote the resilience of the ecosystem, ecological engineering must take into account the human activities present, an integral part of the ecosystem. The activity of the sector is therefore at the center of the interrelations between humanity and biodiversity, and develops in relation with all economic sectors. The ecological engineering activity is then to accompany the professionals of planning, agriculture and even industry, real estate and urban planning to work on the compatibility between human activities and living systems.

Thus the success of an ecological engineering project is measured by two criteria: the social acceptance and the involvement of residents and users in the project and by a scientific evaluation. The latter is done on the basis of the monitoring of indicators, including bioindicators, which vary according to the biogeographical context, the surface of the site and the objective of the operations. Ecologists rely mainly on a few species considered bioindicators to evaluate and, if necessary, correct operations.

Techniques and applications
Ecological engineering techniques can be implemented in connection with all kinds of human activities as long as they have an impact on the ecosystem and its operation, which is very broad: management of natural areas, spatial planning, urban planning, farming, economic activity… Depending on the objective, interventions can be divided into four: management, restoration, creation or integration of activity in the ecosystem. This distribution is not exclusive but allows an overview of the many applications of ecological engineering.

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Environmental Management
Environmental managers use ecological engineering when their goal is to increase biodiversity, stabilize it or halt its decline. Indeed, some natural processes are now extinct and only human intervention can fill this gap and prevent the disappearance of certain circles of certain species. From natural environments to urban areas and agricultural areas, the ecological engineer will then recommend, in connection with the uses, the interventions to be made to promote biodiversity. Here are some examples:

maintenance in open state by grinding, mowing or brushcutting, depending on the plant communities present;
differentiated management to diversify environments or conserve existing diversity;
faucardage order, for example, to limit the proliferation of alien species or reduce the eutrophication of a wetland;
eco-grazing, to preserve the opening of the environment in the long term thanks to herbivores such as equines, sheep or cattle, or beaver or elk that can be used in the case of prairial or humid environments.
For the first three points, the management of the remnants is decisive. If these are exported, the environment is depleted in organic matter, which in some cases favors the enrichment of biodiversity.

The ecologist engineer is also involved in agricultural areas. It can then propose a new management of the farm better adapted to the functioning of the ecosystem. It is inspired in this case of permaculture techniques.

The farmer can promote biodiversity to assist the productivity of the agrosystem and ensure their stability over time in the face of external disturbances. Different biological or ecological processes linked to biodiversity can be intensified: enhancing the diversity and activity of soil micro-organisms in favor of plants, associating and collaborating various species, using different families and vegetation layers, regulating ecologically pests of crops via their natural enemies, etc. It can also act on the cycles of organic matter and nutrients to improve the productivity of low- input agrosystems.thanks to the good management of the organic resources, and thus the flow of nutrients and energy that they induce. It is then possible to intervene on several levels: to reinforce the interactions of livestock and agriculture to preserve natural resources, to restore the biological life of soils by specific organic inputs, to feed the plant locally.

Finally, water management is a determining factor, especially in dry areas, where the resource is limited and irregular. Management can be improved in several ways: adapting the crop to erratic rains or drought risks, conserving water at the plot level by limiting runoff, taking into account the essential role played by trees on the soil, and water in dry areas…

Ecosystem Restoration or Ecological Features
The last World Conference on Biodiversity, held in Nagoya in 2010, put on record that it was necessary in 2020, to restore at least 15% of degraded ecosystems in addition to retention policies (15 th goal of Aichi). Ecological engineering harnesses the ecological resilience of ecosystems to restore ecological environments and features:

earthworks, import of materials (rocks, sands) for the restoration of environments, soils, streams;
use of morphological features of plants to naturally restore eroded environments and / or protect themselves from natural hazards, planting species with extensive root systems for sustainable restoration of degraded soils, stabilization of slopes, banks, dunes or littorals;
methods of depollution by plants or by bacteria, for example for treating materials from mines with heavy metals (chemilithotrophic bacteria), oil spills (organotrophic bacteria), water purification or waste degradation;
opening of the environment by uprooting or felling to diversify habitats;
Soil management: stripping (étrépage) to promote biodiversity, soil recovery by moving mineral, biomass and litter, rehabilitation Technosol;
transfer of species or habitats in order to restore the minimal conditions of environmental resilience: re-stocking, restocking, restoration of seagrass meadows of phanerogams in the marine environment, stabilization of mudflats by a bed of mussels, etc.

Creating a Functional Ecosystem
The creation of an ecosystem occurs when the environment is too degraded to be restored or when the diversification of habitats is considered necessary by the ecological engineer in coherence with the local social, economic and environmental context. This may involve in the terrestrial area the creation of a complete environment such as buffer zones for water purification, ponds, slopes, hedges, etc. or the creation of habitat elements for animals: hibernaculum, nest boxes, insect house, cottages. In the marine environment, the ecologist engineer can request the establishment of habitats in the port area under water or in intertidal zone,in a port, dike or other coastal protection devices, for example by incorporating filter species (mussels, oysters).

Integrating human activity into the ecosystem
The techniques of management, restoration and creation of natural environments are used for the ecological integration of facilities and infrastructures. Ecological engineering then sets up urban, agricultural, hydraulic fittings or forestry integrated into the ecosystem where the civil previously more willingly used the concrete or sheet pile. Ecological engineering proposes solutions inspired by nature and makes it possible to increase the ecological permeability of structures and reduce the ecological severely limiting levies on natural resources and promoting the use of eco-compatible materials. Resource reuse techniques may also be related to ecological engineering through their desire to reduce the use of non-renewable natural resources, such as ecological sanitation.

In concrete terms, these techniques aim to promote ecological connectivity and the integration of management in the functioning of the ecosystem. The ecological continuity are improved with the creation of such crossings works ecoducts associated with guiding devices Wildlife: embankments, hedges, ditches… The ecological integration of buildings it is ensured through the incorporation their influence, their surroundings, and the valorization of the structures themselves. Green roofs and green walls are becoming important since the integration of biodiversity into the environmental standards of buildings such as HQE or BREEAM and tend to interest architects and interior designers, and not just road or river developers.

Ecological integration can also be carried out at scales greater than the simple development site. Ecological engineering actors thus help professionals to think about the compatibility of their company’s activity with the functioning of the ecosystem and even to work at the level of the economic model of the territory, or even the country. This can concentrate all economic sectors, even the most off-ground.

Design Guide
The environmental design project will follow a cycle similar to the engineering project cycle-the designation of the problem (goal), the analysis of the problem (constraints), the search for alternative solutions, the choice of alternatives, and the specification of the final solution. The elements that distinguish environmental design are developed by many authors, but there is still no single approach. Typically, the project objective includes protection, ecosystems at risk, restoration of degraded ecosystems, or the creation of a new sustainable ecosystem to meet the needs of nature and society. When choosing between alternatives, the project should include an environmental economy in project evaluation and recognize a guiding value system that promotes biological conservation.

Suitable for all types of ecosystems

Adapts design methods
The implementation of the project should be based on the use of environmental science and theory.
Based on self-replicating capacity of ecosystems
Adopts the theory of adaptive management of learning on the mistakes, the project is tested on environmental theory.
It is based on approaches to an integrated system
Preserves non-renewable energy sources

Mitsch and Jorgensen identified the following considerations prior implementing an ecological engineering design:

Create conceptual model of determine the parts of nature connected to the project;
Implement a computer model to simulate the impacts and uncertainty of the project;
Optimize the project to reduce uncertainty and increase beneficial impacts.

The curriculum was developed for the Environmental Project and the key US institutions launched these programs. The elements of this program are:

An academic curriculum has been proposed for ecological engineering, and institutions around the world are starting programs. Key elements of this curriculum are: environmental engineering; systems ecology; restoration ecology; ecological modeling; quantitative ecology; economics of ecological engineering, and technical electives.

Complementing this set of courses are prerequisites courses in physical, biological, and chemical subject areas, and integrated design experiences. According to Matlock et al., the design should identify constraints, characterize solutions in ecological time, and incorporate ecological economics in design evaluation. Economics of ecological engineering has been demonstrated using energy principles for a wetland., and using nutrient valuation for a dairy farm

Quantitative ecology
System Ecology
Restorative Ecology
Environmental modeling
Environmental engineering
Economics of Environmental Engineering

Technical electives
In addition to this set of courses, there are initial courses of physical, biological and chemical disciplines. According to Matlock and others, the project should define constraints, characterize solutions in ecological time, and incorporate environmental economics into project evaluation. The economics of environmental engineering has been demonstrated using the principles of energy consumption needed for wetlands and nutrients for the dairy farm.

Source from Wikipedia
