Shades of color

Color chartColor chart

Color chart

A color chart or color reference card is a flat, physical object that has many different color samples present. They…

6 years ago

List of colors: T–Z

Colors are an important part of the visual arts, fashion, interior design, and many other fields and disciplines. The following…

6 years ago

List of colors: N–S

Colors are an important part of the visual arts, fashion, interior design, and many other fields and disciplines. The following…

6 years ago

List of colors: G–M

Colors are an important part of the visual arts, fashion, interior design, and many other fields and disciplines. The following…

6 years ago

List of colors: A–F

Colors are an important part of the visual arts, fashion, interior design, and many other fields and disciplines. The following…

6 years ago

Color term

A color term (or color name) is a word or phrase that refers to a specific color. The color term…

6 years ago