Creativity techniques

Group creativityGroup creativity

Group creativity

For project management purposes, group creativity techniques are creativity techniques used by a team in the course of executing a…

6 years ago

Multiple-criteria decision analysis

Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) or multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a sub-discipline of operations research that explicitly evaluates multiple conflicting criteria…

6 years ago

Affinity diagram

The affinity diagram is a business tool used to organize ideas and data. It is one of the Seven Management…

6 years ago

Mind map

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among…

6 years ago

Nominal group technique

The nominal group technique (NGT) is a group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making. It can be…

6 years ago


Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by…

6 years ago

Creativity techniques

Creativity techniques are methods that encourage creative actions, whether in the arts or sciences. They focus on a variety of…

6 years ago