20th-century architectural styles

Bossche SchoolBossche School

Bossche School

The Bossche School was a traditionalist movement in Dutch architecture which was strongly based on numerical relationships. It arose from…

6 years ago

Beaux-Arts architecture

Beaux-Arts architecture was the academic architectural style taught at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, particularly from the 1830s to…

6 years ago

Third Bay Tradition

The Third Bay Tradition (Third Bay Area Tradition) is an architectural style from the period of 1945 through the 1980s…

6 years ago

Second Bay Tradition

The Second Bay Tradition (or Second Bay Area Tradition) is an architectural style from the period of 1928 through 1942…

6 years ago

First Bay Tradition

First Bay Tradition (or First Bay Area Tradition) was an architectural style from the period of the 1880s to early…

6 years ago

Baroque Revival architecture

The Baroque Revival, also known as Neo-Baroque (or Second Empire architecture in France), was an architectural style of the late…

6 years ago

Amsterdam School

The Amsterdam School (Dutch: Amsterdamse School) is a style of architecture that arose from 1910 through about 1930 in the…

6 years ago

New Classical architecture

New Classical architecture is a contemporary movement in architecture that continues the practice of classical and traditional architecture. The design…

6 years ago

Neomodern architecture

It is called neomodern architecture to an architectural style emerged as a reaction to the complexity acquired by postmodernism and…

6 years ago


Neo-Historism, also known as Neo-Historicism, comprises artistic styles that draw their inspiration from recreating historicist styles or artisans. This is…

6 years ago

Metaphoric architecture

Metaphoric architecture is an architectural movement that developed in Europe during the mid-20th century. It is considered by some to…

6 years ago


Blobitecture (from blob architecture), blobism and blobismus are terms for a movement in architecture in which buildings have an organic,…

6 years ago

Functionalism in architecture

In architecture, functionalism is the principle that buildings should be designed based solely on the purpose and function of the…

6 years ago

Critical regionalism

Critical regionalism is an approach to architecture that strives to counter the placelessness and lack of identity of the International…

6 years ago

Conceptual architecture

Conceptual architecture is a form of architecture that utilizes conceptualism, characterized by an introduction of ideas or concepts from outside…

6 years ago