Museum of Natural History of Venice, ItalyMuseum of Natural History of Venice, Italy

Museum of Natural History of Venice, Italy

Museum of Natural History of Venice (Italian: Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia) is a museum of natural history housed…

3 days ago

Museum of Mines of Mercury Monte Amiata, Santa Fiora, Italy

The Museum of Mines of Mercury Monte Amiata (Museo delle miniere di mercurio del Monte Amiata), has been realized to…

3 days ago

Museum of Innocence, Turkey

The Museum of Innocence (Turkish: Masumiyet Müzesi) is a novel by Orhan Pamuk, Nobel-laureate Turkish novelist published on August 29,…

3 days ago

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, Moscow, Russia

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics (Russian Музей космонавтики, also known as the Memorial Museum of Astronautics or Memorial Museum of…

3 days ago

Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb, Croatia

The Museum of Arts and Crafts (Croatian: Muzej za umjetnost i obrt) in Zagreb extends over three floors at more…

3 days ago

Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf, Germany

The Museum Kunstpalast is an art museum in Düsseldorf, Germany.The Museum Kunst Palast includes objects of fine arts from Classical…

3 days ago

Museum Kampa, Prague, Czechia

Museum Kampa is a modern art gallery in Prague, Czech Republic, showing Central European, and in particular Czech work. Museum…

3 days ago

Museum of Natural History, Berlin, Germany

The Museum of Natural History (German: Museum für Naturkunde MfN), is a natural history museum in Berlin, Germany. The museum…

3 days ago

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is a museum of visual arts, located at the museum park in Rotterdam. The museum shows…

3 days ago

Museum A.P Chekhov, Melikhovo, Russia

The house-museum of A.P. Chekhov (Russian: Дом-музей А.П. Чехова ), also know as the department of the State Literary Museum…

3 days ago