Originally posted 2018-05-18 07:06:56.
Haiti’s most famous monuments are the Sans-Souci Palace and the Citadelle Laferrière, inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1982. Situated in the Northern Massif de la Hotte, in one of Haiti’s National Parks, the structures date from the early 19th century. The buildings were among the first to be built after Haiti’s independence from France.
Jacmel, the colonial city that was tentatively accepted as a World Heritage site, is reported to be extensively damaged by the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Since the earthquake of 2010, architecture has taken a huge turn. With damages at an estimated 10 million dollars, architectural measures were taken immediately. Directly after the earthquake Article 25 of the UK gained about 350 architects in 2010 looking to help rebuild Haiti. There was also great effort made by the U.S. through the Architecture for Humanity effort that was iniated after the earthquake. The architecture style became very reasonable and involved minimalistic and functional style to help rebuild the damage in the most efficient way possible. There has also been a strong iniative to build more open-air clinics that are designed with health precautions as a huge priority.
World Heritage Sites
National History Park – Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers
Sans-Souci Palace was the royal residence constructed by King Henri I himself (better known as Henri Christophe) of Haiti), for him and his royal family consisting of Queen Marie-Louise and their two daughters. It was the most important of nine palaces built by the king, as well as fifteen châteaux, numerous forts, and sprawling summer homes on his twenty plantations.
The Citadelle Laferrière, constructed by King Henri I, is a large mountaintop fortress in northern Haiti, and is the largest fortress in the Americas. The mountaintop fortress has itself become a national icon of Haiti, featured on currency, stamps, and tourist ministry posters. The Buildings of Ramiers were among the first monuments constructed after the Haitian Revolution.
Historic Centre of Jacmel
The colonial city of Jacmel was founded in 1698 over an ancient pre-Columbian village.
Source From Wikipedia