Explore the frontiers, Japan National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation

Originally posted 2020-01-17 09:03:04.

Why are we here now? This zone allows you to explore space, your solar system, the Earth and all life there on a wide variety of scales.

The Universe
Neutrino Observations
How is the Neutrino, a subatomic particle, observed if it cannot be seen? This exhibit shows you how it is done with a model of the observation instrument, the Super-Kamiokande.

The Super-Kamiokande is a neutrino detector located 1,000 meters underground in the Kamioka-mine, Gifu Prefecture. This exhibition is a model of the Super-Kamiokande reduced to a tenth of the original size. You can experience actually entering inside the model and looking at the multiple sensors used to detect neutrino lining the floor and the walls.

In addition, you can observe coming and going traces of radiation rays with your own eyes at a device called “Cloud Chamber” where the path followed by radiation rays appears in the form of lines of smoke.

Japan is leading the world in neutrino observation with two Nobel Prize winners (Mr. Koshiba Masatoshi in 2002 and Mr. Kajita Takaaki in 2015).

Study of Elementary Particles and the Universe with a Particle Accelerator
What is our world made of ? Let’s see how science answers this question.

What are the essential parts of everything? Humans have been pursuing the answer to this question for centuries. This exhibition presents the research that attempts to solve the mystery of subatomic particles by using a huge experimental device called the particle accelerator. Inside the particle accelerator, it tries to create unknown particles by accelerating protons and other particles that compose matter to a speed close to the speed of light, and then make them collide. The exhibit presents this great experiment through animation, photos, and interactive games.

This is ISS, go ahead
As well as introducing the experiments and lives of astronauts, you can consider the reason that humanity reaches for the stars.

In the International Space Station (ISS), located 400 km above the surface of Earth, experiments, research, and observations of the Earth, and other celestial objects, are conducted. The ISS challenges the harsh environment of space where humans could not survive under normal circumstances, and researchers, astronauts and operators on Earth around the world cooperate to keep it up and running. In addition to having a scale model of the ISS living quarters, this exhibit also introduces messages and research results from people involved with the ISS.

The Earth

Mission Survival: 10 Billion
This exhibit is designed to better understand the disasters threatening modern society and think about how we should deal with them.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters have caused great damage to many lives. Plus, science, technology and transportation have developed bringing with them unexpected new types of disasters, as nuclear disasters, weather abnormalities and the spread of epidemic diseases. This exhibit allows us to better understand the mechanisms of, and the damage caused by disasters. Let’s consider what we who live in the 21st century need to do to survive in this world.

Earth Environment and Me
Rethinking the relationship between the Earth’s environment and “Me”. From the perspective of cycles in order to consider choices for the future.

It has been 4.6 billion years since the Earth was formed. The previous 10,000 years is referred to as a miracle. There has been an unprecedented, stable climate, and humans have developed their civilization. Right now, however, we are on the verge of destroying the Earth’s environment. Here we will look at”cycles” that support biological activities on Earth. Material resources are introduced within that cycle, along with energy resources that do work with cycles.


CELLS in Progress
Let’s learn in detail about the mechanisms and principles of cells, iPS cells research and other research in progress, taking a closer look at our relationship with cells.

With the outstanding development of stem cell research, as that of iPS cell research, the time will come soon when we will be able to judge and make our own decisions about our body on a cellular level. In the 5 theaters of the exhibit, you will see situations of disease or injury that may happen to anyone. Then, you will be given the possibility of treating yourself with iPS cell therapy and the chance to think it through. Plus, when you learn about the mechanisms and principles of cells, you will suddenly realize that you are made of, and kept alive by, cells.

Stories of One, Everyone, and You
Of all living things, do you know what in nature only humans possess ? We will look at how the human brain functions and human traits as living organism.

In this exhibit, visitors can have fun learning about human brain functions concerning interactions with society. In creating society, humans spontaneously gained functions of cooperation and of sharing information using language. This is a trait only in humans. With this exhibit, you can realize the human trait that allows them to create connections with others.

Promoting Medicine Together
Let’s think about how we want to live and what kind of medical treatment we would like to receive in the future by taking a look at next-generation medicines.

This exhibit presents advancements in medical imaging devices, methods of treatments that are less invasive and appropriate for each individual patient, medical care to prevent diseases. You are provided a chance to think on how we picture the future of medical care. If you were sick, what kind of treatment would you choose? In the medical care of the future, it will likely be easier to choose methods of treatments after understanding your own disease and consulting with doctors and other experts.

Laboratory to Explore the Frontiers
Here you can learn about research in exploring the universe and the Earth, and experience the endless curiosity of the human mind. Human curiosity has delved into the depths of the Earth, the oceans, and leaped into the Solar System, and beyond into the Universe.

In the “Laboratory to Explore the Frontiers”, we introduce research that pushes the frontiers of our knowledge, and continually challenges what we know. The laboratory is divided into three corners: Exploring the Earth, Exploring the Solar System, and Exploring Deep Space.

The exhibition features the ALMA telescope project, a telescope that was constructed in the Atacama Desert in Chile, South America, the Venus Climate Orbiter “AKATSUKI” that studies the atmosphere of Venus, the deep sea drilling vessel CHIKYU, that features the most advanced drilling capabilities in the world, a real H-IIA rocket engine, and a living sample of “Gandalfus yunohana”, a specie of crab that lives in the extreme environment of the deep sea.

Miraikan – Japan National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Miraikan is a place where we can understand the things happening in our world today from a scientific point of view, and have discussions while considering the future that awaits us. In addition to exhibitions that provide people with a chance to enjoy hands-on contact with science and technology, Miraikan’s colorful line-up of offerings includes experienced based classes, and talks. Visitors can experience the technological progress of today, from simple day-to-day questions, to the latest technologies, the global environment, space exploration and life science.

Miraikan considers science and technology to be one of many cultures in human society, each of which develops wisdom. Miraikan opened in 2001 based on this philosophy as a place for open discussion. Each permanent exhibition in Miraikan has been created and overseen with leading researchers so that all who visit may consider the role and potential for science and technology, and together design a society of the future. Furthermore, the museum cooperates and collaborates with organizations worldwide in creation of special exhibitions to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of science and technology as a part of culture.

Another focus Miraikan emphasizes is the cultivation of Science Communicators (SCs) who connect all people to science so that, together they can build a sustainable future. We continuously train and produce SCs through our daily science communication activities that, include creating opportunities for dialogue on science and technology, and encouraging cooperation in numerous roles both inside and outside the museum.

Miraikan is also a research center, a unique initiative for a science museum. Across the corridor from the exhibit hall, the research area allows visitors to observe scientists up close as they conduct advanced experiments in countless areas of research. The researchers proactively host events, workshops, and science communication activities in cooperation with museum staff in order to promote better understanding of their research.

Miraikan will continue to serve as a venue for science communications open to the world, to consider its role in science and technology, and to incorporate the wisdom of numerous domains in order to contribute to the future society for all of humanity.