Southern Rooms of the Grand Staircase, Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg

Originally posted 2019-10-12 20:01:01.

Palace of the Naryshkins-Shuvalovs is the first private museum in Russia on a federal scale. Easter jewelry is located in the blue living room of the palace. Other halls also display collections of 19th-century Russian porcelain, enamels, stone-cutting products, Russian icons, paintings, silver, precious utensils and memorial items.

Grand Staircase
The Grand Staircase was constructed in the 1840s at the main entrance to the palace. The staircase was built by the architect Nikolai Efimov and is fringed by a series of sculptures. Years after its completion, the architect Rudolph Bogdanovich Berngard erected the exquisite decorative stucco dome over the staircase.

Red Room: Russian silver.
The Red Room is dedicated to a collection of Russian silver works, produced from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th centuries. The room’s displays showcase spectacular works by the top Petersburg firms that also carried the honor of Supplier of the Highest Court (C. Fabergé, P. Sazikov, Nichols and Plinke, the Grachev brothers, Tegelsten).

Knights’ Hall :Military-themed works of art.
Life in the Russian army in the mid-19th century is portrayed in the watercolors of Karl Piratskiy and his successor, Pyotr Balashov. The works of these battle-genre artists are rarely found in museum collections and little is known about them; however, both artists enjoyed well-deserved recognition in their time. The Knights’ Hall is named for the frieze encompassing the room, which depicts a medieval tournament of knights.

Beige Room: Russian enamel.
The Beige Room offers visitors a look at the various shapes and styles of everyday tableware in Imperial Russia. On display are also cigarette cases which illustrate various silver working and enamel decorating techniques.

Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg
The Faberge Museum is a private museum in St. Petersburg, located in the Naryshkin-Shuvalov Palace. It has an unparalleled collection of Russian jewelry and arts and crafts of the 19th – 20th centuries. The most valuable and famous objects in the museum’s collection are 9 imperial Easter eggs created by the company of Carl Gustav Faberge. The museum’s collection, including the first and last of the imperial eggs.

Currently, the museum’s collection has more than 4,000 items, among which, in addition to the famous Easter eggs, are fantasy items, silverware, interior and religious items, as well as jewelry created by Faberge. Also in the museum’s collection are works by contemporaries and rivals of Faberge — masters of jewelry I. Sazikov, P. Ovchinnikov, F. Rückert, I. Khlebnikov and many others. The exhibition hall of the museum presents paintings by I. Aivazovsky, K. Makovsky, K. Bryullov, V. Ammon, V. Polenov, G. Semiradsky and female portraits of A. Kharlamov. In the Upper Buffet Palace of the Naryshkin-Shuvalovs, the works of P.O. Renoir, Louis Walt, Henri Martin, K. Korovin and K. Gorbatov are posted. A collection of Russian icons is exhibited in the Gothic hall of the palace. The Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg is rightfully proud ofCarl Gustav Faberge in the period from 1885 to 1916.

The official opening ceremony of the first privately owned Fabergé Museum in Russia took place on November 19, 2013, in the Shuvalov Palace in St. Petersburg. The founding organization of the museum is the Link of Times cultural and historical foundation, which was established in 2004 with the aim of repatriating items of cultural significance to Russia.

The idea of creating a series of museums in Russia dedicated to the works of the great jeweler Carl Fabergé first came to the Link of Times in 2004. In that year, The Link of Times Foundation purchased a one-of-a-kind collection of Fabergé works which had been collected by Malcolm Forbes. Since then, the foundation has been collecting Russian works of decorative and fine art and has amassed more than 4,000 items today. In terms of its size, diversity, and the quality of its pieces, many of which belonged to the royal family and other members of the royal courts of Europe, the collection is without a doubt one of the best in the world.

The most valuable items in the Museum’s collection are the nine Imperial Easter Eggs created by Fabergé for the last two Russian emperors. Each of them is a masterpiece of jewelry and art, as well as a unique historical monument to the reign and personal life of Alexander III and Nicholas II.

The exclusivity of the Fabergé collection acquired by the Link of Times foundation also comes from the fact that this collection represents all of the areas the House of Faberge specialized in: objects of fantasy of all kinds, jewelry, small goods, silverware, and interior and religious objects. In addition to works by Fabergé, the collection also includes works by his contemporaries, including famous Russian jewelers and silversmiths such as Sazikov, Ovchinnikov, Khlebnikov, Rückert and many others.