Category Archives: Ethnography

Alfred Weidinger: The Spirit of Africa – The African Kings, Afro Brasil Museum

The exhibition “The Spirit of Africa – The African Kings”, curated by Emanoel Araújo, curator-director of the Afro Brasil Museum, the exhibition brings together 58 color and B&W photographs of the Austrian Alfred Weidinger, who portrayed contemporary kings and chiefs from different parts of the African continent, in addition to…

African and Afro-Brazilian ethnology, Brazil National Museum (Digital Restoration)

The collection of African and Afro-Brazilian ethnologyof the National Museum was made up of approximately 700 objects. It encompassed both specimens produced by people from different regions of the African continent and testimonies of the cultural manifestations of the descendants of African peoples in Brazil. The nucleus of African objects…

Citizenship under Construction, 1889 to present, National History Museum of Brazil

This section addresses the construction of citizenship after the establishment of the republican system in 1889. Being a citizen means belonging to a community, exercising political, civil and social rights and duties, recognizing the distinction between public and private interests. On display, the synthesis panel of the history of Brazil,…