
Azekurazukuri (校倉造) sometimes simply called azekura, is a Japanese architectural style of simple wooden construction of certain type of buildings like storehouses (kura), granaries, and other utilitarian structures. This style probably dates to the early centuries of the Common Era, such as during the Yayoi or Kofun periods. It is characterized by joined-log structures of triangular cross-section, and commonly built of cypress timbers.

It is a simple construction method. The walls are formed by stacking generally triangular beams set at the corners, without vertical pillars, with a raised floor on stilts . The roof is rudimentary, generally consisting of a two-chain system, a warp called nijūbari (二重梁) . There are also round-beam granaries (called then 丸木倉) Or rectangular (板倉) . These constructions offer an excellent conservation thanks to the movements of the wood that allows to ventilate the structure by contracting with dry weather, and to protect from humidity by dilating with wet weather . However, more recent studies state that the play of wood remains negligible on hygrometry, and rather explains the good conservation with the raising of the structure for ventilation, with the thickness of the thick and well-built wooden beams and caissons used for storage. .

The oldest and largest surviving example of azekura-zukuri architecture is the Shōsō-in of Tōdai-ji: mounted on heavy piles, the structure has three parts separated by light partitions. During the centuries, Shōsō-in welcomed the imperial treasures offered at the time by Emperor Shōmu in the 8th century, priceless art pits from Japan and the entire Silk Road .

Source From Wikipedia