Wind power in Japan

Originally posted 2018-08-12 14:18:36.

In Japan’s electricity sector wind power generates a small proportion of the country’s electricity. As of 2015, the country had a total installed capacity of 3,167 MW. Government targets for wind power deployment are relatively low when compared to other countries, at 1.7% of electricity production by 2030. It has been estimated that Japan has the potential for 144 GW for onshore wind and 608 GW of offshore wind capacity.

In Japan, diffusion has not progressed as much as Western countries. The reason is that if you install a windmill capable of withstanding typhoons, the cost will rise compared with the West and the difficulty in securing a flatland enough to install a large number of windmills, originally Japan has emphasized solar power as clean energy There is history and the like. Also, as Japan has a high degree of reliance on nuclear power generation as well as France, its dependence on wind power is weak, and in contrast, the United States and Germany have stopped policymaking the establishment of nuclear power plants in the United States and Germany, Increasing the dependence of.

Japanese electric power companies are reluctant to wind power generation projects, but projects such as “municipal windmill” by local governments and “citizen windmill” by citizen groups are advancing. .

In January 2006 a wind power plant was added as one of the map symbols. There is also a balloon wind power generation that utilizes the westerly wind.

Development / dissemination situation
The cumulative introduction volume of wind power generation (output 10 kW or more) in Japan is about 1400 as of March 2007, the total installed capacity is about 1.68 million kW, the power generation amount is the standard nuclear power plant (around 1 million kW) It is a fraction. In FY 2007, the introduction volume fell to less than half compared to the previous year. Looking at the output per unit, in 2007 the model with the installed capacity of 1 MW or more began to occupy the majority. Major wind power companies are Eurus Energy Holdings (Former Tomen Powerholders) (a joint venture between TEPCO and Toyota Tsusho), Japan Wind Power Development, Power Development, Eco Power (a subsidiary of Cosmo Oil), Gas and Power (Osaka Gas’ Subsidiary), Clean Energy Factory and others. With regard to large machines of 2 MW or more, which were independent places of overseas machines, the development of domestically produced machines is progressing. Most of the wind power generation facilities are imported products, and the proportion of domestically produced machines in fiscal 2007 is 16% on the basis of equipment capacity and 23% on the base.

In recent years, Japanese companies and research institutes are actively developing windmills suitable for the Japanese environment. As of 2014, there are about 2000 units nationwide, total generation capacity is about 2.5 million kilowatts.

Offshore wind power generation
As Japan has wide territorial waters and exclusive economic zones, expectations are directed towards wind power generation at sea.

Also, because of the deep water places, methods using a floating foundation are also being studied at the maritime technical safety research institute and IHIMU. For offshore wind power generation at offshore (offshore wind power generation), since it is difficult to transmit electricity to land, we produce hydrogen by electricity generated, compress it, transport it by adsorption to organic hydride, etc. It is expected that this will solve the problem of power fluctuation. In March 2002, the Institute of Science and Technology Policy announced “Proposal on methanol production utilizing deep ocean wind power generation”, and around Okinotorishima, Sanriku off Pacific, Northwest off Hokkaido Nihonkai etc. As a promising marine area, we propose a large-scale system that can cover all the energy demand in Japan, estimate its economic efficiency, etc., and said it can be put into practical use.


Year Capacity Change % Change
2000 136
2001 302 166 122.06%
2002 338 36 11.92%
2003 580 242 71.60%
2004 809 229 39.48%
2005 1,049 240 29.67%
2006 1,309 260 24.79%
2007 1,538 229 17.49%
2008 1,882 344 22.37%
2009 2,186 304 16.15%
2010 2,475 289 13.22%
2011 2,556 81 3.27%
2012 2,641 86 3.33%
2013 2,715 73 2.8%
2014 2,921 214 7.59%
2015 3,167 246 8.42%
2016 3,230 192
2017 3,399 169

Costs per unit electricity generation in Japan (excluding expenses such as global warming cost etc) are set to 10 to 24 yen / kWh as of 2001, and if the conditions are good in Japan, practical level 9 to 13 There are some facilities reaching yen / kwh. However, although wind turbines in Europe and the United States are generally efficient with large diameter of 2500 – 5000 kw, Japanese windmills have difficulties in trading funds shortage and elongated plastics onshore transportation, and as of 2013, 400 – 1500 kw The reason is that poor efficiency due to small and medium caliber diameters and failure cases that purchased a windmill made in Europe that does not assume typhoons or lightning strikes (due to the appreciation of the yen) and failed due to a typhoon or lightning strike caused a failure are doing.

As of 2013, as wind power becomes more advantageous against thermal power in the yen depreciation policy, Japanese domestic wind turbines designed on the premise of Japanese typhoon and lightning will be less expensive than imported windmills, so Japanese wind power generation It is expected that it will regain the delay of construction and large caliber for Europe and the United States.

According to the announcement of Wind Farm of the third sector Aoyama Takahara Wind Farm, which is a part of Chubu Electric Power’s facility subsidiary Seatec, Iga and Tsu Investment Co., Ltd., which is engaged in wind power generation projected to become Japan’s No. 1 wind power generation facility in 2015, 40 Total cost of construction of wind turbines and wind substation for wind power generation with capacity of 10,000 kW is expected to be about 20 billion yen.

Policy · Introduction target quantity
In the “New Energy Subcommittee Report” by the METI ‘s investigation committee in June 2001, the installed capacity capacity target until 2010 was set to 3 million kW, and the Ministry of the Environment also announced the “Global Warming Promotion Outline “We set the target until 2010 to 3 million kilowatts but it is difficult to achieve together and it is difficult to reconsider various regulations and the fishery right does not become an obstacle to installation The offshore offshore wind power generation that can be installed in places of several tens of kilometers deep into the water There was also an opinion that technology development should be hurried. In addition, an increase in the target number of introduction of the RPS method was also examined.

There are cases where large-scale wind power generator makers in Japan increase their production in response to demand increase both inside and outside and export actively. Industry organizations can introduce 7.6 million kW in 2020 (of which 1.4 million kW for offshore) and 11.8 million kW in 2030 (of which 5.6 million kW for offshore) can be introduced. In addition, the target of 20 million kW (land 700 mW, offshore 13 MW) in 2030 is being considered as a more aggressive incorporation of future technology development. In the 2030 energy mix shown by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in 2015, the target of wind power generation was 10 million kw including offshore wind power of 820,000 kW.


Impact on health
Complaints from residents living near the windmill (see next section) mostly concerns the influence on sleep. The Ministry of the Environment conducts an epidemiological survey on sleeping effects for 747 residents around 34 wind farms around the country and 332 residents in the control area. The influence of sleeping due to windmill noise is often chronic, which directly leads to a disease called “sleep disorder (environmental sleep disorder)” caused by windmill noise. According to the survey results of the Ministry of the Environment, the relationship between the prevalence of environmental sleep disorder and the noise level of wind turbine noise was analyzed and the relationship with the noise level is shown. According to it, a statistically significant rise in sleep disorder prevalence has been detected in areas with outdoor noise level of wind turbine noise of 41 dB or more. Regarding the effects of windmill noise on sleep, numerous epidemiological findings, including systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, have been reported.

The Ministry of the Environment shows guidelines for evaluating the influence of wind turbine noise in May 2017. In the report of the study meeting that was the basis of the guidelines, some epidemiological surveys carried out by the Ministry of the Environment itself have been cited, but “Windmill noise is a possibility of causing sleeping effects associated with troublesome (anoyuans) Although there is little possibility that it directly affects human health “. By inserting the word “directly” the conclusion that misunderstanding that windmill noise is “the possibility of affecting human health is low” is stated. Although it can be said that sleep disorder due to windmill noise occurs via perception of sound and it can be said that it has no direct influence, pollution diseases such as Minamata disease caused by fish and shellfish and atmosphere and Yokkaichi asthma are also included , It is a characteristic of pollution diseases that indirectly cause health effects. Despite the fact that direct and indirect are not important for causal judgment of pollution diseases, we excluded sleeping effects due to windmill noise from “direct health effects”, denying the causal relation between windmill noise and health effects.

After the Ministry of the Environment has issued guidelines, there is a reply from the business operator that “the possibility of direct impact on human health is low”, but this response includes diseases such as sleeping effects due to windmill noise and environmental trouble sleeping disorders Note that it does not contain.

Impact on the living environment
Occurred from a windmill installed close to the house, neighboring residents complained about complaints and health injuries, and the Ministry of the Environment has sought to investigate. Additionally, addition to the environmental assessment target project was examined in 2009 in terms of legislative system.

On 29th March 2010, the Ministry of the Environment measured noises and low frequency sounds characterized by 160 to 200 Hz in a residence 350 m from wind power generation facilities in Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture, and about 210 m and 240 m in Ikata Town, Ehime Prefecture We also announced that 31.5 Hz and 160 to 200 Hz were measured in two separate houses too. Also on October 7, 2010, “Survey on Actual Conditions of Noise and Low Frequency Sounds” was announced, and questionnaires were obtained from 186 enterprises in 40 prefectures exceeding output of 20 kW, 25 complaints continued, complaints concluded 39 cases, totaling 64 places announced that there were complaints of noise and low frequency sound. According to the summary result by output / distance, the proportion of continuing complaints is 36% in the range of 300 to 600 m, 29% in the range of 600 to 900 m for the single machine output of 2000 to 2500 kW with many information obtained at that time, , And it was 20% at 900 ~ 1200 m. In the range of 300 to 600 m, the proportion of continuous complaints has risen remarkably as the output of single unit increases. In this survey, since we investigated the existence of complaints only for the house closest to the windmill, the rate of complaints occurrence in dwellings exceeding 1200 m is unknown. In the environmental assessment, quoting the results of this survey, businesses’ responses such as “there are no continuing complaints beyond 1200 m” are incorrect.

Impact on ecosystem
Since wind power generation is outside the application of the Environmental Impact Assessment Law (Environmental Assessment Law) in Japan, preliminary surveys also rely on the voluntary efforts of business operators, and there are also many insufficient environmental impact assessments. In addition, preliminary survey tends to qualitatively predict literature and other examples, making accurate evaluation difficult. Evaluation based on highly accurate data is often obtained only by a post-survey after installing the windmill. Therefore, some prefectures have established environmental standards by their own ordinance (see Bird Strike # Wind Power Generation Facilities).

Aoyama Takahara Wind Farm (60 units, 91 units in Aoyama plateau as a whole) There are voices where tourism resources decline due to tree cutting accompanying construction and deterioration of landscape due to the turbulence of large wind turbines, like a hill and wind hill park. Meanwhile, there is a movement to make a majestic sight of a large windmill forest as a new tourist resource, for example wind power plants in Horonobe-cho, Hokkaido (28) are popular with touring riders.

Moreover, while the Ministry of the Environment is positioned as actively promoting wind power generation, regarding the location in the natural park, examination criteria are examined by establishing a study group on how to install wind power generation facilities, and at the present time the preventive position We are taking a generally cautious stance from. Regarding this, many opinions are asked for deregulation with public comment etc, and as in other countries, there is always room for discussion. As a public installation standard, the Natural Park Law Enforcement Regulation was partially revised in the spring of 2004, and it was enforced on April 1 of the same year.

Policy issues
Renewable energy purchase system
Since renewable energy other than hydroelectric power is orders of magnitude less diffuse than existing thermal power plants and nuclear power plants and it is disadvantageous in terms of price competitiveness, etc., there are some forms of grant renewable energy such as introduction of carbon tax We need measures (see Renewable Energy # Diffusion Policy).

The RPS law, which has been held in Japan, is a method that obliges electric power companies to introduce them at a fixed rate and is classified as a fixed frame (quota or green certificate trading) system. Although this method shows a certain effect at the beginning of the introduction, it has been pointed out that disadvantages such as the fact that the risk of the power generation company side is high in actual results in each country, and the substantial reduction effect of the power generation cost is low. As a result, even in the UK where wind conditions are considered good, diffusion does not proceed, cost has stopped high, etc. As a result, initial objectives have not been achieved. In addition, under the existing system in Japan, electric power companies also showed a negative attitude towards purchasing wind power generation by giving priority to their own existing power supply, which is advantageous in terms of power procurement cost, and the opportunity for entry by wind power companies is set by a power company Problems such as being limited by bordered frames and irregular bidding have been pointed out. In 2008 Kyushu Electric Power announced expansion of the introduction frame.

On the other hand, the fixed price buying system (FIT system), which is increasingly adopted, obligates electric power companies to purchase electricity and legally guarantees the purchase price, thereby reducing the risk of the power generation businesses. While introducing the quantity promptly according to the market principle, the slower installing company gradually reduces the purchase price, adjusts the total cost, and encourages competition among equipment manufacturers. It is said that introduction promotion and cost reduction effect are high for the other methods from the past record, and it is now adopted by many countries in Europe. For this reason, civil society organizations have submitted opinions to introduce and consider in Japan too. Political parties and administrations also moved, following the introduction of a new purchasing system for photovoltaic power generation in 2009, introduction of other renewable energy including wind power was also considered and introduced from 2012 Fixed price buying system # see Japan).

Subsidies dependence issue
Japan’s wind power generation has been promoted based on subsidies from the Special Energy Countermeasure, but as of 2010, 60% of the wind power generation is in the red. Direct cause is due to institutional destruction due to lightning strike and lack of availability due to lack of air volume, but due to the lack of cost consciousness of developing companies and local governments relying on national aid, is there.

In response to such a situation, the government’s administrative reform conference showed that subsidies were not effectively utilized, and called for reduction of budget.

Preliminary survey and power generation forecast
In Japan, long-term power generation forecasting is possible in advance by implementing wind condition survey by NEDO etc., development of prediction technology, accumulation of actual data. Also, in actual installation, actual measurement using wind turbines for measurement and simulation based on peripheral terrain are also used. The annual variation in the annual total power generation amount is reported to be about ± 2 to 10% by the survey over 10 to 15 years, and if the wind condition investigation is carried out sufficiently, the risk of the wind regime seen in the long term is In many cases it does not cause problems in business.

In the case of incompleteness in the wind condition survey, the amount of electricity generation is smaller than the original forecast, and there are cases where it is in the red. In a famous example, Tsukuba city entrusted to Waseda University and the amount of windmill power set up for 300 million yen at elementary school etc was considerably less than expected due to the preliminary wind condition prediction being sweet It evolved into a lawsuit.

Although it is difficult to move parts driven into the ground, for example, when the situation is such that it does not deserve to continue operation due to circumstances such as the amount of electricity generation falling below the forecast, or when replacing with a more sophisticated model, the wind power prime mover at the top Basically it can be relocated or resold. In recent years the used market for wind power generators has also expanded in Europe and elsewhere.

Wind power plant in Japan

Wind power plant with total output of 10 MW (10,000 kW) or more
Name of power plant location Total output Business owner
Wind farm with no surprise Wakkanai, Hokkaido 14,850 kW Power supply development
Soya Cape Wind Farm 57,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Otonglui wind farm Horonobe-cho, Hokkaido 21,000 kW Horonobe wind power generation
Tomamae Green Hill Wind Park (Tomamae Wind Farm) Tomamae-cho, Hokkaido 20,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Tomamae Winvilla Power Station 30,600 kW Power supply development
JEN Kunitomori Wind Farm Nemuro, Hokkaido 10,000 kW Enex Power
Date Wind Farm Date, Hokkaido 10,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Date Golden Wind Farm 34,000 kW
Yuta Wind Power Station Shutosho cho Hokkaido 14,550 kW Kusatsu-machi
Setana Rinkai Wind Power Station Hokkaido Senta Town 12,000 kW Power supply development
Ueno Wind Farm Hokkaido Kamonokuni cho 28,000 kW Power supply development
Esashi Wind Power Station Esashi Town, Hokkaido 21,000 kW Esdag Wind Power
Esburg Wind Farm 19,500 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Ooma Wind Power Station Oma-machi Aomori Prefecture 19,500 kW Power supply development
Iwaya Wind Park Higashidō village in Aomori 27,000 kW Eco Power
Iwaya Wind Farm 32,500 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Blunt Wind Farm 19,250 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Odanosawa Wind Farm 13,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Euras Hitz Kitanozawa cliff wind farm 12,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Mutsu Ogawara wind farm Rokkasho village in Aomori Prefecture 31,500 kW Eco Power
Rokke village wind power plant · Second wind power plant 32,850 kW Japan Wind Power Development
Rokkasho village Niba wind farm 51,000 kW
Mutorya Wind Power Station 10,000 kW Aomori wind power development
Fukigoshi Terrace Wind Power Development Center 20,000 kW Japan Wind Power Development
Soyoda Wind Farm Yokohama Town Aomori Prefecture 10,500 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Nobeki Wind Farm Aomori Prefecture Nozomi cho 50,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Ichiura Wind Power Station Aomori Prefecture Goshogawara shi 15,440 kW Kuroshio Wind Power Generation
Fukaura wind power plant Fukaura Town, Aomori Prefecture 20,700 kW West wing wind power generation
Green Power Kazumaki Wind Power Station Iwate Prefecture Kuzumaki Town 21,000 kW Power supply development
Kamaishi wide wind farm Iwate Prefecture Kamaishi City , Tono City , Otsuchi Town 42, 900 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Noshiro Wind Power Station Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture 14,400 kW Tohoku Electric Power Co.
Hakuzu wind farm Mikamachi, Akita Prefecture 25,500 kW M wins
Oga Wind Power Station Akita- shi Oga-shi 28,800 kW Oga Wind Power Generation
Akita Harbor Wind Farm Akita City, Akita Prefecture 18,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Nishigami Wind Farm Yurihonjo city, Akita prefecture 30,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Yuri Highland Wind Farm 51,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Yurihonso Coastal wind power plant 16, 100 kW Power supply development
Nigahara Takahara wind power plant Nakaho-shi, Akita-ken 24, 750 kW Power supply development
Yusa Wind Power Station Yusa Town Yamagata Prefecture 14,560 kW Shonai wind power generation
JRE Sakata Wind Power Station Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture 16,000 kW Japan · Renewable · Energy
Koriyama Kobei Takahara Wind Power Station Koriyama city Fukushima prefecture 65, 980 kW Power supply development
Hayama Highland Wind Power Station Tamura city , Fukushima prefecture · Kawauchi village 28,000 kW Power supply development
Takine Koijin Wind Farm Fukushima-ken Tamura-shi / Iwaki-shi 46,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Aizu Wakamatsu wind farm Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture 16,000 kW Eco Power
Satomi Wind Farm Hitachiota City, Ibaraki Prefecture 10,020 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Summit Wind Power Kashima Power Station Kashima city, Ibaraki prefecture 20,000 kW Summit Wind Power
Hazaki Wind Farm Kamisu city, Ibaraki prefecture 15,000 kW Eco Power
Kamisu Wind Power Station 10,000 kW Mitsuroko Green Energy
Wind / Power Kamisu 1st offshore wind farm 14,000 kW Komatsuzaki city development
Wind / Power Kamisu 2nd offshore wind farm 16,000 kW
Choshi wind farm Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture 10,500 kW Eco Power
Choshi Wind Power Station 13,500 kW Japan Wind Power Development
JEN Tennoin Wind Farm Tennai City, Niigata Prefecture 20,000 kW Enex Power
Suzu Wind Power Station Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture 45,000 kW Japan Wind Power Development
Wajima Community Wind Farm Wajima-shi, Ishikawa 20,000 kW Noto Community Wind Power
Fukuura wind power plant Shiga Town, Ishikawa Prefecture 21,600 kW Japan Sea power generation
Magome peak wind power plant Nanao city, Ishikawa prefecture 15,000 kW Hokuriku Power Station
Awara Kitagawa wind power plant Awara City, Fukui Prefecture 20,000 kW Power supply development
Izu Thermal River Wind Farm Higashiizu-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture 15,000 kW Clean Energy Factory
Higashi Izu wind farm Higashi Izu-machi , Shizuoka prefecture · Kawazu-machi 18,370 kW Tokyo Electric Power Company
Kawazu wind farm Kawazu-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture 16,700 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Iroyazaki wind farm Minamiizu-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture 34,000 kW Power supply development
Omaezaki Wind Power Station Omaezaki City, Shizuoka Prefecture 22,000 kW Chubu Electric Power Company
Enshu Kakegawa Wind Power Station Kakegawa City Shizuoka prefecture 15,970 kW Kuroshio Wind Power Generation
Hamamatsu wind farm Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 20,000 kW Fuso wind power generation
Tahara Coastal Wind Power Station Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture 22,000 kW Power supply development
Atsumi Wind Power Station 10,500 kW Japan Wind Power Development
Aoyama Takahara Wind Power Station Mie Prefecture Tsu city · Iga city 15,000 kW Aoyama Highland Wind Farm
Shin Aoyama Highland Wind Power Station 80,000 kW
Wind Park Kaori 38,000 kW Sea tec
Windpark Misato Mie Prefecture Tsu city 16,000 kW
Okinawa Wind Farm Mie Prefecture Deguchi Town 28,000 kW Eco Power
Awaji Wind Power Station Awaji-shi, Hyōgo Prefecture 12,000 kW Kansai Electric Power Company
South Awaji Wind Farm Minami-Awaji-shi, Hyōgo Prefecture 37,500 kW Clean Energy Factory
Arita River Wind Farm Aritagawa Town , Wakayama prefecture · Hainan City · Arita City 13,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Hirokawa · Hidakagawa wind farm Wakayama prefecture Hirokawa cho , Aridagawa cho 20,000 kW Eco Power
Hirokawa Akishama Wind Power Station Wakayama prefecture Hirokawa cho , Yura cho 16,000 kW Gas and power
Yura Wind Power Station Yura cho Wakayama prefecture 10,000 kW Gas and power
Hakuba Wind Farm Hidakagawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture 30,000 kW Golden brown
Hojo sand dune wind farm Hokuei Town Tottori ken 13,500 kW Hokuei Town
Tohaku Wind Power Station Kotora-machi Tottori ken 19,500 kW Japan Wind Power Development
New Izumo Wind Farm Izumo City, Shimane prefecture 78,000 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Ezu East Wind Farm Wind Power Station Gotsu Shimane Prefecture 22,000 kW China Wind Power
Ezu Koyasan wind farm 20,700 kW Shimane Prefecture
Wind Farm Hamada Hamada-shi, Shimane Prefecture 48, 430 kW Green Power Investment
Shirataki mountain wind farm Yamaguchi ken Shimonoseki 50,000 kW Golden brown
CEF Toyokawa Wind Farm 25,000 kW Clean Energy Factory
Toyoura Wind Power Station 20,000 kW Fuso wind power generation
Okawara Wind Farm Tokushima city, Tokushima prefecture 19,500 kW Eurus Energy Holdings
Seto Wind Hill Power Station Ikata-cho, Ehime Prefecture 11,000 kW Seto Wind Hill
Misaki Wind Park 20,000 kW Misaki Wind Power
Iyo Wind Farm 18,000 kW Eco Power
Minami Ehime Wind Power Station Uwajima-shi, Ehime Prefecture 28,500 kW Power supply development
Hayama wind power plant Tsuno cho Kochi Prefecture 20,000 kW Gas and power
Otsuki Wind Farm Otsuki Town, Kochi Prefecture 12,000 kW Green Power Investment
Hibikinada Wind Power Station Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture 15,000 kW Japan Wind Power Development

Source from Wikipedia