The blue sea bridge. Phoenicians and Greeks in the Mediterranean, Archaeology Museum of Catalonia

Our current reality would be impossible to understand without a fundamental period of Mediterranean history. Between the 9th and 3rd centuries BC, the action of Phoenicians and Greeks on the riverside villages caused the final fading of the haze of prehistoric times. Indigenous societies joined the Written Peoples’ Concert, learned technological breakthroughs in their economy, and reached a high level of civilization that, centuries later, would facilitate their integration into the global community forged by Rome.

The blue sea bridge
The Mediterranean, poetically defined as the “Blue Sea Bridge”, became the path through which traders and sailors on the eastern slope traveled, expanding culture and civilization to the western reaches of the ancient world.

Our current reality would be impossible to understand without a fundamental period of Mediterranean history. Between the 9th and 3rd centuries BC, the action of Phoenicians and Greeks on the riverside peoples led to the final fading of the haze of prehistoric times. Indigenous societies joined the Written Peoples’ Concert, learned technological breakthroughs in their economy, and reached a high level of civilization that, centuries later, would facilitate their integration into the global community forged by Rome.

Phoinikes. The red men
The Greeks called “phoeniki” or “red men” the inhabitants of the city-states of present-day Lebanon, such as Tire or Sidon. They referred to their industry as purple, which produces a color between purple and reddish. The Phoenicians were a people, driven by the land, and set out to conquer the overseas territories.

Its colonizing presence was a revolution for the communities of the West in those times, most underdeveloped. The Phoenicians were looking for valuable minerals and materials for luxury manufactures. In return, they left behind writing, glass, new farming techniques, oriental artistic patterns, systems for extracting and transforming metals, and a deeply rooted worldview.

The breath of Greece
For the Greek imaginary, the Mediterranean West was the boundary of the known world, the scene of myths and legends, such as the giant Gerion or the garden of the Hesperides. Following the footsteps of Phoenician ships and also attracted by the legendary riches of the southern peninsula, Greek navigators soon had to explore routes to the far west, beyond the well-known colonial territories of Magna Greece and Sicily. .

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The colonial nuclei established in the Iberian Peninsula were few and only in the case of Emporion and Rhode we know them through archeology; in other cases we only have brief references to the written sources. All of these establishments had essentially a commercial function and to support the navigation routes and the intervention of the Greek merchants in the main indigenous exchanges.

These exchanges facilitated the transmission of influences – in knowledge, technologies, beliefs, myths, ritual practices, symbols and forms of representation … -, which were assimilated and reinterpreted by the Iberian populations with whom the contacts and they contributed to their own process of cultural transformation.

Archaeology Museum of Catalonia
The Museum of Archeology of Catalonia (MAC) is a national museum whose objective is the conservation, research and dissemination of archeological remains in Catalonia, which illustrate the different historical periods between prehistory and medieval times. It was created as a result of the Museum Law of 1990 and is a networked museum made up of a series of different sites and sites, spread throughout Catalonia.

The Archeology Museum of Catalonia and exhibiting in the most important archaeological collection in Catalonia. For this reason, the museum and heritage museum Becomes an essential destination to discover the archeology, history and ancient art of the current Catalan territory.

The Museum of Archeology of Catalonia integrates five major facilities museum: the Museum of Archeology of Catalonia in Barcelona, the headquarters of the institution, the Museum of Archeology of Catalonia in Girona, the Greek-Roman city of Empúries in L’Escala; the Iberian citadel of Ullastret in Ullastret; and the Castle and Archeological site of Olèrdola Olèrdola in. In addition, the museum also Manages the Center for Underwater Archeology of Catalonia (CASC), based in Girona, the National Deposits of Archeology, located in Cervera, and the “Iberian Graeca” Research Center, based in Scale.

National reference center in research, conservation and promotion of Catalan archaeological heritage, the Archeology Museum of Catalonia offers visitors a rich and unique services and experiences and cultural museum, Which includes BOTH visits to museums and archaeological sites museïtzats around the country, Such an extensive and varied program of temporary exhibitions and cultural and educational activities complementary Renewed always constantly THROUGHOUT the year. And all this with a single objective: That your visitors can live intense and enriching learning experiences, excitement and enjoyment, and Thusis can begin or renew an intense love story and lasting culture and heritage.
