Color in culture

Color in Chinese cultureColor in Chinese culture

Color in Chinese culture

Color in Chinese culture refers to the certain values that Chinese culture attaches to colors, like which colors are considered…

6 years ago

Colors of Wine

The color of wine is one of the most easily recognizable characteristics of wines. Color is also an element in…

6 years ago

Color analysis art

In the cosmetics and fashion industry, color analysis, also called skin tone color matching, personal color or seasonal color, is…

6 years ago

Color psychology

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Color influences perceptions that are not obvious,…

6 years ago

Color preferences

In the psychology of color, color preferences are the tendency for an individual or a group to prefer some colors…

6 years ago

Color symbolism

Color symbolism in art and anthropology refers to the use of color as a symbol in various cultures. There is…

6 years ago

Color Realism

Color realism is a fine art style where accurately portrayed colors create a sense of space and form. It employs…

6 years ago