Categories: Academic

Oxblood color

Oxblood is a color considered to be a dark shade of red. It resembles burgundy, but has more purple and dark brown hues.

Color coordinates
Hex triplet #800020
sRGBB (r, g, b) (128, 0, 32)
HSV (h, s, v) (345°, 100%, 50%)

Chevreul indicates that ox blood is the name of the scarlet of Venice in the middle of the eighteenth century. This situation corresponds – as much as we can see despite the color degradation of the color chart – to the shade of the Color Directory of the Society of chrysanthemists of 1905 (RC).

The first use of the term oxblood as a color name in the English language dates back to 1695–1705. The name is derived from the color of the blood of an ox. The ox blood was used as a pigment to dye fabric, leather and paint. It is most commonly described as a dark red with purple and brown undertones. The blood would change from a bright red to a darker, oxidized, more brown-red as it aged. The term oxblood can be used to describe a range of colors from red to reddish-purple to nearly black with red, brown and blue undertones.

Legend has it that the boats of the corsairs were painted of this color to make imperceptible the blood of the victims. Hergé uses this color to cover the interior of the bulwarks and equipment of Rackham the Red’s Galiote Bridge. This choice is based mainly on the fact that, at that time, red blood was relatively cheap. Beef has also long been used for its insecticidal qualities in the treatment of wooden houses in Central Europe.

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Beef red is a common dye used to paint bridges and barns in the early 1900s. The tradition comes from the United States. Fashion was born in Pennsylvania in the early nineteenth century. It should be noted that the high availability and popularity of this color influenced the use of this color in Quebec.

To obtain the dye, ocher was cooked in ovens and a red powder was obtained. To obtain the desired product, the powder was incorporated into a mixture containing linseed oil, turpentine and a liquid drying agent. Powdered red ocher pigment was also sold to those who chose to mix it with water to minimize costs. Some witnesses to the practices stated that the barn of their ancestors had been painted with linseed oil and real beef blood.

The color is used in fashion terms. It was popular and the name was used frequently in the 2012 Fall/Winter fashion season.

In modern culture
Oxblood is a relatively common color for leather shoes. It is sometimes called “cordovan” although this term more properly refers to a particular type of horse leather. During the Fall/Winter fashion seasons of 2012 and 2013, oxblood was one of the commonly used colors. Oxblood lipstick was popular, as well as oxblood-colored apparel and accessories. In an article on the oxblood trend, Lucky Magazine suggested that people are now “dismissing words like burgundy from their vocabularies”, adding that the word ‘oxblood’ might be more on-trend than the color itself.

Source From Wikipedia
