Categories: Gente

Fidel Aguilar Marcó

Fidel Aguilar (Jul 20, 1894-1917) fue un precoz escultor gerundense que a pesar de morir con sólo 22 años consiguió un cierto reconocimiento en el ámbito de la escultura.

He was born 20 of July of 1894 in the street of the Corte Real of Gerona, although later it would move along with his family to the street of the Force of the same city. In 1905, he became a seminarian at the request of his parientes although he left him for lack of VOCATIONA. From then donde he became interested in the carving of wood, making it his profesión. He attended clases of the School of Fine Arts of Gerona during a time, although he was characterized by being a student autodidacta.

Nació en la calle de la Corte Real de Girona, aunque más tarde se trasladaría junto con su familia en la calle de la Fuerza de la misma ciudad. En 1905, se hizo seminarista a petición de sonidos padres aunque lo dejó por falta de vocación; a partir de allí se interesó por el corte de la madera, convirtiéndola en su profesión. Asistió a clases Escuela de Bellas Artes de Girona durante un tiempo, aunque se caracterizó por ser un estudiante autodidacta.

After some years working as a carver in a workshop, in 1909 he decided to open, together with a companion, a workshop of furniture carver for custom and restoration when he was only 15 years, shortly after, he took over the workshop alone. During that time he Devoted himself to making drawings, sketches in clay and small wooden carving during his spare time. Later, he approached the art of stone.

Después de unos años trabajando como tallista en un taller, en 1909 decidió abrir, junto con un compañero, un taller propio de tallista de muebles por encargo y restauración cuando tan sólo tenía 15 años; poco después, tirano solo el taller. Durante aquella época se dedicó a hacer durante su tiempo libre para hacer dibujos, bocetos en barro, pequeñas tallas de madera. Más tarde, se acercó al arte de la piedra.

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Towards 1914, he met Xavier Montsalvatge and Rafael Masó Belonging to Athenea, one of the diffusion centers of the novecentismo gerundense, which encourages him to continue with his artístico creation. From 1915, he made several projects in collaboration with the architect Rafael Masó, as furniture for the Ensesa House of Gerona oro Reliefs for the Casa Casas.

In 1916, he decided to move to Barcelona to expand horizontes and Dedicate himself more deeply to the art of stone sculpture, however, a few days later he had to return to Gerona when he fell ill.

The favorite object of my hobbies is to be able to work in stone. I want to be, work, run, bien a mano, train in my arte, Acquire knowledge, expand my horizontes …
He died Suddenly on February 21, 1917 in Gerona, because of a Stomach perforation.

Since 1976 one of the Municipal Halls of Gerona was baptized with the name of the sculptor, after the beginning of the 1970s Began to claim its figure.
