Cerise color

Cerise is a deep to vivid reddish pink.

Color coordinates
Hex triplet #DE3163
RGB (r, g, b) (222, 49, 99)
CMYK (c, m, y, k) (7, 95, 46, 0)
HSV (h, s, v) (343°, 78%, 87%)

The colour or name comes from the French word “cerise”, meaning cherry in French.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded use of cerise as a colour name in English was in The Times of November 30, 1858.CMYK This date of 1858 as the date of first use of the color name is also mentioned in the 1930 book A Dictionary of Color.CMYK However, it was used at least as early as 1845 in a book of crochet patterns.CMYK

Variations of cerise
There are various tones of cerise.

In painting, there is cherry cherry; embroidery thread, 815 Cherry.

Cherry in English
The cherry color is not the color “cherry”, which is inspired by that of the fruit, seen as less purplish, while cherry is an exotic name, which refers to a color of fashion, which deviates significantly , on the side of mauve and violet. The fuchsia named Hollywood in 1922 was renamed Cherry Hollywood in the 1940s. That’s how we find, for the graphic arts, 180 Cerise5.

The Color Directory of the Society of Chrysanthemists, published in 1905, specifies that it is that of the varieties “early English, late English, Montmorency long tail and Montmorency short tail,” not without indicating that “the Cherry fashions and fabrics are, most of the time, misnamed. As for the color, compared by expert looks, it is identical to that of the Ripolin paintings of the Rouge de Chine and the Lefranc color merchant No. 46. The cherry color of the dyers indeed diverges long ago from that of the fruits.

In the nineteenth century, Michel-Eugène Chevreul undertook to identify the colors between them and with respect to the lines of Fraunhofer. The Cherry of the General Instruction on the dyeing of the wool of 1671 is Red 10 ton or Red 9 ton like that of the dyer Guignon, that on wool of Villaret, Amiens, is Red 11 ton, that is to say of same shade as ruby red. Cherry is for Chevreul the vulgar name of the real red, and it was also, before him, the opinion of Castel. The Turkish Red on dyer Steiner cotton is also rated at 10-tone red. But Chevreul has also evaluated the cherry on silk Tuvée, purple-red 8 tone, when the Crimson-Cherry de Villaret, already mentioned, is violet-red 11 ton

The cherry red of blacksmiths
These are points of view of specialists studying colors. But their views can be compared to those of an artilleryman, who, speaking on the incendiary shot with red balls, writes “by heating it cherry red, a dilation much stronger than that which results from the red-brown”. Indeed, it was said to heat red-brown (meaning dark red), cherry red, white. When the iron is heated without melting it, therefore to less than 1800 K, the color of the radiation is always a red of the longest wavelengths of the visible spectrum, that is to say exactly those which Chevreul designates for red, commonly called cherry.

As this shade does not reproduce easily with dyes, they mixed with them (kermes or madder) blue. This is also necessary to obtain the hue of certain varieties of cherries.

Hollywood cerise
Color coordinates
Hex triplet #F400A1
RGB (r, g, b) (244, 0, 161)
CMYK (c, m, y, k) (0, 100, 34, 4)
HSV (h, s, v) (320°, 100%, 96CMYK%)

In the 1950s, a popular brand of colored pencils, Venus Paradise, had a colored pencil called Hollywood cerise which was this color. Before being renamed Hollywood cerise in the 1940s, the color had been known, since its inception in 1922, simply as Hollywood.CMYK

Deep cerise
Color coordinates
Hex triplet #DA3287
RGB (r, g, b) (218, 50, 135)
CMYK (c, m, y, k) (14, 87, 24, 0)
HSV (h, s, v) (317°, 57%, 62%)

The deep tone of cerise called cerise in Crayola crayons (see the List of Crayola crayon colors).

The color name cerise has been in use for this color since 1993 by Crayola.

Color coordinates
Hex triplet #B3446C
RGB (r, g, b) (179, 68, 108)
CMYK (c, m, y, k) (0, 62, 40, 30`)
HSV (h, s, v) (338°, 62%, 70CMYK%)

The color name irresistible first came into use in 1948.

The source of this color is the Plochere Color System, a color system formulated in 1948 that is widely used by interior designers.[10]

Cerise in human culture


From 1887 to 1890, Cerise and black were Pennsylvania State University’s original official colors, after which they were changed to the current blue and white.[11]
Cerise and white are the official colours of Abingdon School.
Cerise is the colour representing students of the MSc programme in Computer Science and Engineering at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology.[12]
Cerise is the color representing students of the bachelor programme at Chalmers University of Technology.
Cerise is the colour representing students of the BA programmes at the British University of Warwick.
Cerise is the colour representing students of the MMath programmes at the British University of Durham.
Light cerise is the colour representing students of the Arts programmes at the National University of Singapore.
Cerise and blue are the colours of the Sydney secondary school St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill.


Bandy balls are cerise.
Cerise was one of the colours of the Brisbane Bears between 1989 and 1991.
Cerise and French grey are the colours of Olney Rugby Football Club.
Cerise is the colour of Leander Club, one of the oldest rowing clubs.[13]


Cerise is mentioned in the lyrics of The Spectrum Song sung by Ludwig Von Drake on the television show Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color: “Blend them all and what do you get? Cerise, chartreuse, and aqua, mauve, beige, and ultramarine and every color in between.”
Cerise is stated as a color that drains the complexion of Mrs Hudson in the Sherlock series one episode “The Great Game”.
Cerise is stated as the color of a stroller that Bones wishes to buy for her and Booth’s daughter, Christine, in the Bones season eight episode “The Gunk in the Garage”.
The episode “Hostages” in the second season of Veep features a joke about a cerise notebook.
The characters Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon3) from the animated television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic have cerise colored eyes, and the background character Cherilee has a moderate cerise coat.
Cerise Hood is a character in the Mattel line Ever After High.

From Wikipedia
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerise_(color)